Oliver's Hunger - By Tina Folsom Page 0,35

Our skills?”

His head came closer. “Our desires?”

She swallowed hard at his insinuation, but at the same time she was unable to break eye contact. His blue eyes looked at her with such intensity that she felt paralyzed.

“Yes,” he said even more softly, “especially our desires.”

His gaze dropped to her lips, and just by doing so, he made them tremble.

“Do you remember our kiss?” He didn’t wait for an answer, not that she had the strength to give one. “When I close my eyes, I can still feel your lips on mine.”

She sucked in a breath, and the subsequent expansion of her chest caused her nipples to brush against his hard chest. His eyes instantly widened before he responded by pressing his body harder against hers.

“And I remember what you offered me.”

Finally she found her voice again. “I’ll never sleep with a vampire!”

He lowered his lids so quickly, she couldn’t see his reaction to her words. “I figured that much. But tell me, if I were human, would you have slept with me?”

She gasped at his bold question. “That’s not a—”

“Just answer the question,” he interrupted. “If we had met under other circumstances, and if I were still human, would you have done more than just kiss me? Would you have gone to bed with me?”

She turned her head away to escape his penetrating eyes, but his hand on her chin forced her head back to look at him.

Would she have slept with him? Ursula studied his handsome features, his stubborn chin, his large nose, and strong eyebrows. She tried not to look at his lips, but they were hard to avoid. Yes, had they met on a university campus or been introduced at a party, she would have dated him, taken him back to her dorm room and stripped him naked. But this was not how it had happened.

She shook her head. “No!”

“Liar,” he whispered without malice. “My pretty little liar. How much I wish right now to still be human.”

Frozen in place, she watched his lips approach. When they touched hers, it seemed without haste, almost as if he was giving her time to pull back. Yet she couldn’t escape the growing need inside her, even though she didn’t want to admit it to herself. She wanted to feel his lips again.

When his mouth pressed more firmly against hers, she tilted her head and parted her lips. A low groan came from Oliver’s throat and bounced against her. Then his tongue stroked over her lips before dipping inside her.

She’d never felt anything so soft and . . . gentle, almost as if he was afraid of scaring or hurting her. But the only thing that scared her more than his kiss was her reaction to it. If he asked her now whether she would have slept with him, her answer would be a resounding yes. Luckily, he was too busy kissing her to ask any more questions.


For the second time in less than twenty-four hours, he was kissing Ursula. But this time, he enjoyed it even more than the first time. Taking his time, Oliver coaxed her into the kiss with gentle, teasing strokes. The last thing he wanted to do was to scare her off. It would be challenging enough to get her to trust him and look past the fact that he was the very creature she hated. Therefore, he would play against type: be gentle instead of demanding, tender instead of aggressive, and soft instead hard.

Well, maybe not the latter: it was physically impossible as he could already feel. Because he was hard, rock hard. The moment he’d seen her contemplate his question whether she would sleep with him if he were human, blood had shot into his cock and made it swell.

Despite his resolution not to come across as demanding and aggressive, Oliver ground his hips against her belly, pressing her harder against the wall. Everything male in him wanted to make her aware of his need. When she acknowledged the fact that she felt his erection with a low moan, he wanted to howl. But instead of intensifying his kiss, he held onto his control with every fiber of his being.

Easy, he cautioned himself.

His hand combed through her silken hair, the texture of it soft yet strong and perfectly straight. As he continued to delve into the warm cavern of her mouth and dance seductively with her, his thumb stroked along the plump vein on her neck. It pulsed under his caress, calling to

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