Old Ink (Get Ink'd #3) - Ali Lyda Page 0,24

and thin and had the name of an upscale local jeweler on it. I opened the card first.

Twenty-one is a big deal and you deserve a big present. Talk to you soon—T.

My mouth felt dry as I opened the box to find a very nice watch. It was easily worth what I made in a month at Get Ink’d, simple and elegant, all black metal and roman numerals. There was a diamond where the twelve would be.

It was super slick and very sexy—and far too much for Trevor to send to me. I pulled out my phone.

Channing: This watch is a bit much!

Trevor: You deserve “a bit much.” Besides, it wasn’t a huge expense for me.

I chewed on my lip. Trevor wasn’t shy about letting me know he had money. It didn’t bother me like it used to, thanks to living with Christian, but having it spent on me like this was overwhelming. I had to work hard to feel like I deserved it, and I hadn’t done anything to deserve this. Still… a guy only turned twenty-one once…

Channing: Thank you. It’s gorgeous. I’m feeling a bit stunned.

Trevor: I’m glad you like it. Don’t feel stunned. Beautiful men should have beautiful things.

Channing: So you’re saying you think I’m beautiful?

Trevor: Most definitely. I have a meeting with a client now. Text you later?

Channing: Sure! And thanks again.

Trevor: Think of a time when you can thank me in person.

We’d been texting all week, flirtatious back and forths. He was funny and smart and asked all about me. I liked how much he wanted to get to know me and how he seemed to value my opinions. It was one thing to be getting to know each other. It was quite another to send something like that watch when we hadn’t been on one date yet.

I guess for him having that kind of money means this is a drop in the bucket. Even so, the flattery of a gift like the watch and his constant, insistent compliments made me feel like I was caught in a riptide and trying to find my footing. I didn’t know how to date someone like Trevor.

Someone cleared their throat and I jolted upright, pulled from my thoughts. I looked up to see Reagan looking at the watch in my hands. I hadn’t even heard him come out of his office.

“Damn,” he said, his blue eyes staring with admiration. “That’s a nice present. Dane and Chris went all out.”

My face felt hot because it was definitely not from my brothers, and I felt a little bit like I’d been caught with my hand in the cookie jar. Reagan studied my features, and whatever he saw, he stopped looking so appreciative. Something darker shadowed his face. He picked up the card before I could say anything, his features becoming even stormier as he read it.

“So,” he said finally. “You’re dating?”

It scratched at me. He looked jealous. As if I’d been the one rejecting him. There’d already been a dozen times since I’d been back at Get Ink’d the past couple weeks when he could have curled a finger, and I’d have come crawling. I’d worked so hard to show him how much I’d grown, but he still avoided me unless I gave him no choice.

So Reagan was infuriating, and hell, if he was jealous? Good. He deserved it. Maybe jealousy would finally get his attention, because all my efforts so far sure as hell hadn’t. I wasn’t something he could keep safe on a shelf but never touch, and then still expect to be there waiting for him.

“Yeah, I’m getting out there a bit,” I said, as casual as I could. “He’s a really nice guy. A lawyer downtown.”

“Huh.” Reagan put the card back on the counter. He raked a hand through his hair, looking everywhere but at me. He smiled, but it looked strained, a muscle in his jaw ticking. “Well… be careful.”

Then he pulled a classic Reagan, walking away to his office before explaining what he meant. Or telling me that he didn’t like that I was seeing another man—because it was obvious he didn’t. But no, he wasn’t willing to be that straightforward with me, or that open with his own feelings. And why? Be careful? That was something you said to a kid who didn’t know what they were doing.

I wanted to punch him in his stupid, gorgeous face. And then kiss him even harder.

I sighed and put on the watch.

Happy birthday to me.



The watch

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