Office Grump An Enemies to Lovers Romance - Nicole Snow Page 0,125

on my skin.

I stretch an arm behind her, leading her to my side of the desk. Then I grab my legal pad, lay it on top of my keyboard, and close the laptop over it.

I lean forward, giving her even less space.

She makes no effort to fall back, but she doesn’t lean into me either. I move the laptop from the desk, pull open a drawer, and shove it inside.

With one hand on each hip, I place Brina’s delectable ass on my desk, desire coursing through me like a wolf on the prowl.

She’s figured it out.

I can see it in her eyes.

They’ve gone russet-brown with tension, with pleasant shock, with need.

“Wh—what are you doing?” she asks.

“It isn’t obvious?”

I lean down, my lips hovering just over hers, but I don’t dare brush them. If I do, she’ll be on her knees a second later, my cock buried deep in her mouth.

I need to know she’s aching, throbbing from head to toe like I am.

When her mouth moves on mine with a hunger, I’m convinced.

Her arms close behind my neck. Her kiss tastes urgent and sweet.

“Wrong question,” I snarl, pulling away. “You mean what are we doing?”

“Keeping promises? I think I remember a very specific one you made that first weekend, around New Year’s...” She blinks, her eyes like chocolate syrup I want to drown in.

Damn her, she can’t say it—we’re fucking in the office—and it makes me want her more.

“Number one rule of sales,” I say, pressing my forehead to hers. “Don’t tell when you can show.”

Then I claim her mouth, sinking my teeth into her plush bottom lip. My palms drop to the smooth exotic sandalwood of my desk with the edges of my hands digging into her firm ass, claiming what’s mine in my kingdom.

The kiss goes on longer than I intend and so damn deep I taste her soul.

When I’ve had my fill of her mouth—when I’m finally able to break away like a human being again—I kiss down her jawline, her neck, raking my short beard against her skin.

She fucking mewls for me, this shuddering high-pitched gasp, soft and needy and intense as ever.

I kiss back up her throat to her lips, taking her mouth again, this time with my tongue on fire. My hands roam the sides of her body, straight to the hem of that purple sweater dress.

Fuck me.

It’s the same one she wore that hellish day we met. I clutch the purple hem in both hands and start yanking it up, with half a mind to rip it right off her.

She pulls away from me, moaning, but throws a hand up.

“Mag, wait! Stop.”

Damn. Did I read that wrong?

I let go of the dress and straighten up.

As soon as my breath isn’t ragged, I ask, “What’s wrong?”

She raises an eyebrow, looking up at the corner. “The security cams.”

I snort. “My dear little suburbanite.” I plant my hands on the desk and kiss her forehead. “I thought I’d upset you when I was mauling your dress.”

“No, but—I don’t want anyone to see us,” she says. “Shouldn’t you be careful?”

Smiling, I say nothing, just comb my fingers through her dark, lush hair.

“Why did you call me a suburbanite?” she asks, frowning.

“Because.” I chuckle. “City girls know no one watches the security camera, and no one cares. Half of them are AI now, a human only looks when the system detects an unfamiliar face up to no good.” My lips brush her hair. “But since I don’t want anyone seeing you either, I turned the cameras in this room off an hour ago. The app lets me control that, too. You’re for my eyes only.”

Her eyes pop, she grins wide, but her face turns bright red.

“Dick! You had me worried.”

I shake my head. “No, ma’am. I’ve wanted you here since the first time I saw you waltz in to torment me, and I’m not missing my chance. Believe me, I’ve thought of everything.”

“Really? What if I had a headache?” she asks.

“You don’t,” I growl, and my lips are on hers again. I break the kiss long enough to say, “But if you did, I’d cure it with a good Heron fucking. I hear that always get the blood pumping for relief.”

She laughs, playfully batting at my chest, and then kisses me back.

And this time when my hands clutch the hem of that damnable purple people eater dress, she doesn’t stop me. It sails over her head, and I work like a man possessed, unclasping a darker purple bra, Copyright 2016 - 2024