O Night Divine A Holiday Collection of Spirited Christmas Tales - Kathryn Le Veque Page 0,98

brilliant performance.”

Innes grinned.

Tim could have sounded like a bleating goat, and his parents would have been up on their feet and cheering as though he were England’s greatest singer. He recalled his father doing the same, though rarely, but it had been enough for him. He’d been so starved for his father’s love…no, his father had always loved him. Sometimes, a little boy needed to actually see it shown.

With his father’s blessing, Romulus Brayden had filled that role. The years he’d served as a cabin boy to Romulus had been the happiest years for him.

Days of heaven.

That’s how he’d thought of his time under sail on the Plover, learning the ways of the sea from this good and patient man. He’d always looked forward to returning to London with him and being mothered by Violet. Then Hyacinth had been born. He’d been there when she’d taken her first steps. Spoken her first words. It was as though the girl had waited for him to return to London before accomplishing each feat.

Well, more than likely, she was waiting for her father’s return, not his. But he was heartened by it anyway. Even at that young age, she would look at him as though he was someone important to her. Yes, baby Hyacinth had a special look for her mother. A special look for her father. And a special look for him.

He ran a hand through his hair, surprisingly shaken by the memory.

She had been too young to speak, but he knew what she was trying to tell them all. I love you, my Mama. I love you, my Papa. I love you, my Innes.

Haversham set down his papers and regarded him with concern. “My lord, is something wrong?”

“No, Mr. Haversham. I have just realized something very right. Do forgive me, but I have something important to do. We shall resume tomorrow at this same time.”

He rose to signal an end to their meeting. Mr. Haversham hastily gathered his documents and rose along with him. “Until tomorrow, my lord. Are you certain you are all right? You have the oddest look on your face.”

“I am perfectly well. Better than I have been in ages.” He needed to see Hyacinth. He needed to kiss Hyacinth.

Would she be angry he’d forgotten the gift box she’d saved for him all these years? He would use it as an excuse to head over there immediately and see her.

But no sooner had his solicitor departed than Holmes was at his study door, wringing his hands. “My lord, your brothers are here to see you.”

His gut twisted, knowing these vipers had not come to bring good cheer. “All four?”

He nodded. “I’ve put them in the guest parlor, but perhaps I should not have allowed them in at all.”

“No, you could not have kept them out. I’ll see what they want of me. Show them in here, but stay close. I want you within shouting distance if I should find myself in need of you.”

“Yes, my lord. You can count on me. Um, shall I have a tea cart prepared for you?”

Innes laughed. “No. I intend to toss them out as soon as possible. Just show them in.”

He stood as his four half-brothers entered but did not come around to the front of his desk to greet them. “Sit down, gentlemen. Since we detest each other, I assume this is not a social call. What brings you here?”

Herbert, the eldest, spoke up. He was now the Duke of Buchan and clearly full of himself, but he’d always been this way. “We will not allow you to win, you disgusting by-blow.”

He arched an eyebrow. “My mother was legally married to our father, as you well know. Therefore, I am as legitimate as you. Our court battle is over. Father’s testament was upheld. You have no claim on the unentailed assets.”

“Perhaps not, but you are going to turn them over to me anyway.”

“Turn them over to you?” Innes was glad he’d kept a loaded pistol in the top drawer of his desk. He quietly opened the drawer and wrapped his fingers firmly around the weapon. “Why would I do that?”

“Because you want to live,” Herbert said, withdrawing his own pistol and pointing it at his chest. His other three brothers did the same, each of them now holding a pistol aimed at some part of his body.

“Is this show of force supposed to frighten me? Surely, you must know the first thing I did was draw up my own testament. If

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