O Night Divine A Holiday Collection of Spirited Christmas Tales - Kathryn Le Veque Page 0,64

thought you my sister’s cat, Blackie. He always sits there and suns himself. Are you of the same mind? I’m afraid more snow is…”

He eased his long legs over the side and jumped down, landing on the ground close to her. “May I walk with you?”

“A trifle late to ask, is it not? For here you are.” Alice cast a glance over to the west wall of the house. Some upstairs windows overlooked them, but Marian would still be abed.

“I can easily climb back again,” he said, raising dark eyebrows.

She turned to continue along the path. “I do hope we’re not observed.”

“I could have asked first,” he said, matching his gait to hers. “But you would have sent me packing. Is that not so?”

“I expect I would have.”

He looked straight ahead, his jaw rigid. “I should thank you. Your concern for my grandfather was neighborly and kind.”

“I have become fond of him. I am not privy to what has caused your estrangement, but I hope some good will come of your visit.”

A high privet hedge bordered the path ahead. When they reached it, he stopped, which forced Alice to stop, too. He frowned down at her. “Did it not occur to you that your letter might cause me some worry? That I would race down here afraid of what I might find?”

She raised her eyebrows. “No, why should it? If he were ill, I most certainly would have advised you of it.”

He folded his arms, his dark brows meeting over troubled blue eyes. “You are confident that you’re in the right, I see. Even though your action might have made matters worse.”

Alice drew in a breath. “And has it?”

“Well, it hasn’t made things any better.”

“But have you tried?”

His jaw tightened. “I don’t see why I must account for my actions, Lady Alice.”

“Why are you here then, Lord Gifford?” Alice was angry with herself but also with him. “You’ve ignored your grandfather for a year, knowing he has no other family. You don’t think that was cruel?” Oh, why did she say that? She wanted them to be on good terms. For him to look at her with surprise and delight the way he had when first they met.

“Grandfather sent me packing, told me he didn’t want to see me. That is why I’ve stayed away.”

Alice gasped at the hurt in his eyes. She put up a hand to touch him but dropped her arm, appalled at how her actions had upset him. Whatever lay behind the rift, surely it was possible to mend it. Her family always talked over their differences at home. She tried again, for to leave it like this was unbearable. “I’ve always believed that a good talk can help mend hurt feelings.”

His gaze roamed her face. “You are exquisite, Lady Alice. I expect many gentlemen have told you so?”

She flushed. He was outrageous. But it thrilled her that he found her beautiful. “You should not say such things. The gentlemen I’ve met have better manners.”

“Then, I am the first? I’m glad. I predict many men will shower you with compliments in London.”

He left her, retracing his steps to the wall.

Alice couldn’t bear for them to part on bad terms. “Perhaps we will meet in London?” she called after him.

He pivoted and approached her. Alice stilled, for he came so close, her nervous breaths drew in the scent of woody soap and starched linens. His hands on her shoulders, he bent his head to hers and kissed her. He sighed and stepped back. “No, Lady Alice, I doubt we shall meet again.” He sighed. “Why did it have to be like this?” He was gone before she could protest.

Alice trembled and traced her bottom lip with her tongue. The kiss had been a bare touch of lips, and yet she still felt the imprint of his mouth there. Her letter had brought him to her. And almost from the moment he walked into the drawing room, she had felt connected to him. Before he knew Alice sent the letter, something had passed between them, a sense of recognition, she was sure of it. Her sisters spoke of their experience of love. She understood that everyone was unique in that regard. Was it possible to fall in love on sight? It didn’t matter what Hugh had done to so anger his grandfather, for only a decent man would have hurried down to make sure he was all right.

How could her heart ache so when she barely knew him?

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