O Night Divine A Holiday Collection of Spirited Christmas Tales - Kathryn Le Veque Page 0,25

pulling her and the stick closer until he could wrap his free arm around her waist and pull her flush against him.

The woman’s eyes widened as she slammed against his chest, but no more than Callan’s. This close, he could see the woman clearly. She was obviously Thea’s mother, for they shared the same pale hair and big blue eyes. But ’twas not that realization which made him suck in a breath.

“’Tis ye,” he whispered again. She was the woman in his dream. The woman he’d held, the woman he’d kissed. The woman who’d been carrying his bairn as she cuddled with Adam.

His future.

Something changed in her expression. Did she feel it, too? This instantaneous connection the two shared? Or had she followed an angel here to him as well?

Fia, bless ye.

He held his future in his arms.

She shifted against him. “Who are ye?” she whispered.

“Callan. My name is Callan Mackenzie.” He grinned. “I should ken yer name.”

“Glynnis Clyne. I’m—we’re searching for a new home.” Her gaze darted over his shoulder. “Timothea, are ye hurt? Did he touch ye?”

Callan couldn’t tear his eyes away from the beautiful woman in his arms, but his smile grew when he heard the lassie call out matter-of-factly, “He didnae hurt me, Mama. He kept me warm, and he says he’ll find food for us.”

“I’ll find a home for ye,” he vowed in a low whisper.

Glynnis’s eyes searched his. “Will ye?” she breathed as if understanding the strength of his vow.

“Mama, he’s a laird.”

The woman’s face seemed to pale at that knowledge. “Oh, saints preserve us,” she muttered as she began to struggle against him.

Reluctantly, Callan loosened his hold, and she stepped back, warily watching him.

Nay, this would not do.

“Glynnis Clyne, ye and yer daughter were brought here on purpose.”

Thea interrupted, “I followed an angel, Mama!”

Callan grinned. “As did I. I came out here searching for something, as did ye.”

The beautiful woman was staring, breathless. “I was—I was looking for my daughter.”

“Aye, and she was looking for an angel. I was looking for…” He took a deep breath. “I was looking for my future.”

Love is waiting for ye.

Aunt Agata had promised him that, and Callan was certain she was right.

Turning, he offered the second walking stick to Thea. “Hold this for me, my wee sprite.”

When she did, grinning, he stepped forward and wrapped his hands around her tiny waist, lifting her. She shrieked but threw her arms around his neck as he settled her on his hip. She was tall, aye, but weighed no more than Adam did.

Now he held her the way he had in his dream. The dream Fia had shown him; the vision of his future.

He knew nothing about this lassie, nor her mother. He didn’t know what had chased them from their home, or who they’d once been. But he knew this: holding wee Timothea in his arms like this…’twas right.

They belonged to one another. And as for her mother…

When Callan turned, Glynnis was watching both of them warily, her arms wrapped around her middle, her hands tucked into her threadbare cloak.

He would take her home. He would make sure they both had enough food and a warm bed, and he’d introduce them to his family. He’d celebrate Yule with them. And he’d convince them that their future belonged with him.

Fia had decreed it.

“Glynnis,” he murmured in a low voice, offering her the hand which wasn’t currently supporting her daughter. “Will ye trust me?”

Slowly, she nodded and took a hesitant toward him. When she placed her hand in his, despite the near-frozen condition of her fingers, he felt a warmth spread up his arm.

And when he grinned, she mirrored it.

With one arm supporting Thea, and the other clasped tight in Glynnis’s hold, Callan turned toward home.

Holding his future in his arms.

He was certain this Yule would be one he’d remember forever.

The Mackenzie laird smiled, knowing love had found him again.

Additional Dragonblade books by Author Caroline Lee

The Sinclair Jewels Series

The Sinclair Hound

The Mackenzie Regent

The Sutherland Devil

The MacLeod Pirate

About the Author

USA Today bestselling author Caroline Lee has been reading romance for so long that her fourth-grade teacher used to make her cover her books with paper jackets. But it wasn’t until she (mostly) grew up that she realized she could WRITE it too. So she did.

Caroline is living her own little Happily Ever After in NC with her husband, sons, and brand-new daughter, Princess Wiggles. And while she doesn’t so much “suffer” from Pittakionophobia as think all you people who enjoy touching Band-Aids

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