O Night Divine A Holiday Collection of Spirited Christmas Tales - Kathryn Le Veque Page 0,208

father. They embraced warmly.

“We’re one missing! Where’s my Pipsqueak?”

“Here I am, Pa!”

Pip hobbled as fast as he could on his lame leg and threw himself into his father’s arms. Mr. Sim embraced his son tightly, unashamed by his display of his affection for his children… all his children in front of their visitor.

“Papa, meet my new friend! This is Captain Kit Hardacre.”

Kit stepped forward and bowed, but Sim thrust out his hand.

“Then welcome, sir!”

The man’s grip was strong and sure.

“I’ve invited Captain Hardacre to stay for supper, George,” said Mrs. Sim from the kitchen doorway.

“I don’t mean to be an inconvenience to your family, sir.” Once more, Kit offered the Sim family a means of withdrawing their generous offer without embarrassment.

“I won’t hear of it! We’re glad to have you. But I should warn now, my children are very inquisitive – you will be expected to regale us with tales from the high seas!”

Kit found himself at the place of honor. At first, he was a reticent guest, mindful of everything he did lest he offend. However, sometime during the meal, he found himself at ease. For the first time since his return to England, he felt welcome.

To be sure, he was pleasantly warm, seated at the dining table in the center of the kitchen, yet it was more than that. It was the company that warmed him from within. The three children teased each other good-naturedly. The open affection between their mother and father filled his heart.

He enjoyed having the rapt attention of the children and managed to conjure up a tale suitable for their ears. A humorous story of a recalcitrant goat on his island home of Cattalus in the Mediterranean – his lair as Sophia once described it.

“So, Elias climbed the slippery rocks, all the way up to the top of the cliff, only to find the goat was already waiting for him!”

They all laughed; Pip clapped his hands with glee.

This is what he envisioned when he dreamed of a happy family. And how easy it was to feel a part of this one.

A key in his mind turned and unlocked a truth.

He could have this with Sophia and their children. He could have an even larger family with Elias and Jonathan and their families. His past, whatever little or large he could learn of it from the Foundling Hospital, could not condemn him. It was a map that showed where he had been, not where he was going.

It was only when he saw Pip disguise a yawn from around his hand that Kit discovered the lateness of the hour.

“I should go before my wife becomes anxious.”

Mrs. Sim gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Give her our very best, Kit. Sophia sounds an absolute treasure.”

Kit shook Mr. Sim’s hand as enthusiastically as the man had shaken his earlier, and reminded him of part of their conversation over the table.

“All I’m saying is that if you no longer want to work for the miser, then visit my agent in the city. Our trading business is growing, and we will need good clerks.”

After wishing Susan and Peter a goodnight, Kit bobbed down to Pip, to make sure he could see his new friend eye to eye.

“Thank you for helping me when I was lost,” he said to the boy.

Pip hugged him, surprisingly strong for such a little lad.

“I hope you find your family,” the child whispered in his ear.

Kit squeezed his eyes shut a moment to prevent tears from falling.

“Thank you for letting me borrow yours,” he whispered back.

The walk back to the markets had Kit follow the same route the children had taken him. They would be closing now, but he hoped there would be enough people about to make it worth the while of cab drivers to be out in the cold. Failing that, he would have to walk another block to Covent Garden.

That suited him just fine. At the start of the night, he’d felt like a caged lion – the encounter with Pip and his family had softened his heart, and the walk back to the market had done him good, expending the pent-up energy that had made him so restless. Now his heart was at peace. He would pay his respects to his late mother and ensure she was not forgotten.

He caught his reflection in the toy store window. A tall, lean-faced man with blond hair and light blue eyes stared back at him. He would learn all he could about his father,

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