O Night Divine A Holiday Collection of Spirited Christmas Tales - Kathryn Le Veque Page 0,111

Dragonblade books by Author Violetta Rand

The Husband Dilemma Series

How to Fool a Duke

Highlands Forever Series




Lords of Hedonism

Duke of Decadence

Viking’s Fury Series

Love’s Fury

Desire’s Fury

Passion’s Fury

Also from Violetta Rand

Viking Hearts


About the Author

Raised in Corpus Christi, Texas, Violetta Rand spent her childhood reading, writing, and playing soccer. After meeting her husband in New England, they moved to Alaska where she studied environmental science. Violetta spent a decade working as a scientist before quitting her day job to pursue her dream as a full time writer.

Violetta still lives in Anchorage, Alaska, and spends her days writing evocative contemporary and historical romance. When she’s not reading, writing, or editing, she enjoys time with her husband, pets, and friends.



Yuletide at Gillingham

Alexa Aston

Chapter One

Gillingham—December 1811

Ashlyn Baker, Duchess of Gilford, awoke nestled in the arms of her husband, Reid. She could tell he was still asleep from his even breathing. His arms held her close, though, possessive of her even as he slumbered. For Ashlyn, it was the safest place in the world. Reid had become her world in such a short time. He was loyal, generous, and fiercely protective of those he loved.

Especially the child she carried.

They had wed in May and both had been pleased when her courses ceased during the summer. She had welcomed her students back to Dunwood Academy, housed within a wing of Gillingham, just as the nausea struck. She had tried her best to hide her condition but Reid’s half-brother, Arthur, had figured it out. He and his younger brother, Harry, were pupils at the academy she had founded and quite a bit younger than her husband, who was thirty. Arthur had pulled Ashlyn aside and told her what he suspected. She had confirmed it and Arthur told her she needed to let all the boys know because they would want to take care of her.

Ashlyn did as Arthur suggested and, ever since, every student at Dunwood Academy had been especially watchful, carrying things for her and insisting she sit whenever possible. She took pride in their gentlemanly actions and solicitous behavior and knew her child would have so many who would love him or her. If she had a boy, she wanted him to attend Dunwood Academy when he became of school age. Of course, it was possible she could give birth to a girl. Because of that, she had thought of creating a companion school to Dunwood Academy, one for females. She and her husband had discussed the idea at length. Reid had been very encouraging and because of his support, both financial and emotional, plans were in the works to open it the following September. By then, she would be a mother. The thought filled her with love.

Reid’s close friends had become the same to her, along with their wives. Ashlyn had traded numerous letters with Gemma, Countess of Weston, who had delivered a healthy boy this past June, and Charlotte, who already had a three-year-old son and was also due next April, the same month Ashlyn would give birth. As her body changed, she had numerous questions for her two friends. Letters between the three had flown fast and furiously over the past few months.

She didn’t mind the weight gain, though her growing belly had changed her center of gravity, leaving her feeling a bit imbalanced at times. Recently, her skin had begun to itch as it stretched, which Charlotte assured her was perfectly normal. Reid had certainly enjoyed her fuller breasts and paid them ample attention as he made love to her.

What she worried about was the fatigue that set in at times, along with the shortness of breath. Her husband encouraged her to relax more and turn over more of her duties to others on her staff. She had selected Mr. Selleck, who taught languages and literature, to act as her associate headmaster. The tutor was organized and efficient and a great favorite of the boys.

Reid stirred and Ashlyn stroked his arm. Soon, his lips caressed her nape and his hands roamed her body, sending waves of heat through her. She didn’t think she would ever grow tired of this man’s tender touch.

After they made love, he held her close, nuzzling her neck.

“You need for Anderson to shave you,” she told him, referring to his valet.

“Are my whiskers scratching you, love?” he asked, concerned.

“A bit. But Anderson will have you clean-shaven in no time.”

Reid sighed. “That means I would have to leave this bed. I am not sure I like that idea.” His arms tightened about

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