Number Neighbors - Emma Hart Page 0,60

he looked like he was enjoying it.

Isaac lifted his arm and wrapped it around me fully, pulling me properly into his side. “Look at that. Two weeks ago, we were sexting, now we’re cat parents.”

“Don’t push it, buddy,” I replied, watching the cats. “It’s not that easy.”

He snorted. “I know. Shall we take a vacation together? How about Florida?”

“Easy. We’ve been a couple for ten minutes.”

“All the better for it. Shall we?”

I could go for a vacation. “We’re leaving the book club at home,” I said, watching as Spring used her paw to clean Lucifer. “And we’re taking the cats.”

“Look at you, you little cat lady. I agree. Where shall we go?”

“I don’t know. Why don’t you do your thing with a map and pick a random place?”

Isaac looked down at me and grinned. “Done.”

I grinned back, butterflies going nuts in my stomach. It was a little surreal, this situation, but I loved it. I didn’t need to date the guy for six months to know I was going to fall in love with him.

It was inevitable.

Spring was curled around Lucifer, and my heart skipped a beat.

It was instant, their connection.

The opposite of mine and Isaac’s. And you know what? That was fine. Totally fine. I knew we were falling in love, no matter how early it was. I knew we’d say it. I knew he was my end game, no matter the weird way we’d come together.

Something—something deep down inside said he was my forever.

Happily ever after wasn’t always right now.

Happily ever after was a work in progress.

And I was willing to work on mine.



Happily Ever After


“How do you mess up the GPS?” I demanded, loading up Google Maps on my phone. “Isaac!”

“I fixed it!” he said, tapping the screen. “Look. Two minutes to Creek Keys. I told you.”

“Mmph.” I put my phone on my lap, screen down, and looked out of the window. I wasn’t sure I believed his GPS system, but whatever.

We pulled onto another road and drove down it. A few minutes later we did indeed read a sign that read ‘CREEK KEYS, FLORIDA. Population 990.’

“Told you,” he said smugly. “We made it.”

“To what I think is the smallest Keys island ever,” I replied. “Is this really where your finger landed on the map?”

“Yep. That’s the last time you have me decide, huh?”

“No kidding.” I sighed as we drove through the quaint beachside island. It was cute. There were beachy looking buildings and it was the perfect little vacation spot.

Lucifer meowed from the backseat.

“We’re not taking him again,” Isaac said. “That kitten is so noisy.”

“He ran out of treats,” I replied. “He’s hungry.”

“As usual.” He snorted and pulled into the parking lot of the vacation complex we’d booked. “Shall we get out? When are Mason and Immy getting here?”

“They’re getting Maya in the morning, so sometime tomorrow.” I got out of the car and went straight to the backseat to get the cats.

Isaac got out of the car and nodded. “So we have some time to explore?”

“That doesn’t mean explore the bedroom, Isaac.”

“I know, I know.” He grinned, his eyes flashing with heat. “Maybe once?”

I fought a smirk. “Let’s check in, for God’s sake.”

He listened. We went together inside, carrying the kittens in their box, and hit the reception desk. Isaac checked us in and got the key. We were shown to our littlebeachside house right after and I was thrilled to see there were provisions for the cats, too.

“Let me know if you need anything,” the guy said.

“We will. Thank you.” Isaac slipped him a tip in his handshake and shut the door behind him.

I collapsed on the huge bed that overlooked the beach. My God, I was tired. Isaac stopped to let the cats out then threw himself down next to me.

The whole bed bounced with the weight of his body, and I grunted when I bounced up and landed right next to him. He swept me straight into his arm and pulled me on top of him, humming when he kissed me.

I just about resisted the urge to moan into his mouth. He slid his hands over my body and flipped me over onto my back, pinning me in place. I laughed into his mouth and gripped his shoulders. I was so ready for this vacation with him and my cousin and the animals and everyone else.

“Agh!” Isaac cried, arching his back. “That’s it! Lucifer stays in the fucking box when I want to fuck you!”

Laughter burst out of me, and I covered my face with my hands. Of course it was Lucifer.

I’d picked that name for the little devil.

“Don’t fucking laugh at me, Hannah. Get the little sod’s claws out of my shoulders.”

Still giggling, I crept out from under him and extracted the Lord of Darkness from his shoulders as carefully as I could. “Better?” I said, putting Lucifer in my lap.

Isaac sat up straight and eyed me carefully. “Mm. He and I need a little word.”

Grinning, I wrapped my hand around his neck and pulled him down to kiss me. “He loves you.”

“I love you,” he said, kissing me. “The kitten… Not so much.”

“Don’t tell Spring, whatever you do.”

“I love you, too, Isaac,” he muttered. “Thanks for driving eight hours down here, Isaac.”

I shoved him. “Love you, dork. Now go take a shower. You smell.”

He stared at me with those green eyes I loved so much. “Thanks. Love might be blind, but it can smell exceptionally well, I guess.”

I grinned. “Damn right it can.” I stood. “And I’m coming with you, so make sure you lock the door.”

He pursed his lips and breathed out an, “Ooh.”

And that was that.

No. Cats. Allowed.


Thank you for reading NUMBER NEIGHBORS! If you liked this, be sure to sign up to my newsletter to get a free book and exclusive looks into my upcoming books.

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Read on for more information on my upcoming release, HOT MESS, set in the now familiar Creek Keys…


What do you do when the whole world has seen you getting down and dirty in a broom closet?

I, Elle Evans, am on the run.

Not from the fuzz—although that would be more exciting.

No, I’m on the run from the four-year-old private tape that, thanks to my vengeful ex, has probably already ruined my vlogging career.

There’s nothing like the entire world knowing what you look like mid-O.

Creek Keys, Florida, is a million miles away from NYC and the perfect place for me to hide for the rest of summer until I can figure out what I’m going to do.

Something that’s easier said than done since my new landlord’s daughter thinks you’re God’s greatest gift. Even better? Their beach house is right next to the one I’m renting, so there’s no getting away from her—or her hot, British dad.

Who most definitely does not think I’m role model material.

He might be right.

The problem is that neither of us can say no to her.

Or each other.



Emma Hart is the New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author of over thirty novels and has been translated into several different languages.

She is a mother, wife, lover of wine, Pink Goddess, and valiant rescuer of wild baby hedgehogs.

Emma prides herself on her realistic, snarky smut, with comebacks that would make a PMS-ing teenage girl proud.

Yes, really. She’s that sarcastic.

You can find her online at:




Alternatively, you can join her reader group at EmmaHartsHartbreakers.

You can also get all things Emma to your email inbox by signing up for Emma Alerts*.

*Emails sent for sales, new releases, pre-order availability, and cover reveals. Each cover reveal contains an exclusive excerpt.



Being Brooke

Catching Carly


Mixed Up

Miss Fix-It

Miss Mechanic

The Upside to Being Single

The Hook-Up Experiment

The Dating Experiment

Four Day Fling

Best Served Cold

Tequila Tequila

Catastrophe Queen

The Roommate Agreement

The Accidental Girlfriend

Kiss Me Not

Kiss Me Tonight

Kiss Me Again


Number Neighbors

The Vegas Nights series:



Stripped series:

Stripped Bare

Stripped Down

The Burke Brothers:

Dirty Secret

Dirty Past

Dirty Lies

Dirty Tricks

Dirty Little Rendezvous

The Holly Woods Files:

Twisted Bond

Tangled Bond

Tethered Bond

Tied Bond

Twirled Bond

Burning Bond

Twined Bond

Tricky Bond

By His Game series:




Call series:

Late Call

Final Call

His Call

Wild series:

Wild Attraction

Wild Temptation

Wild Addiction

Wild: The Complete Series

The Game series:

The Love Game

Playing for Keeps

The Right Moves

Worth the Risk

Memories series:

Never Forget

Always Remember Copyright 2016 - 2024