Number Neighbors - Emma Hart Page 0,58

for a prolonged period of time.

I didn’t want her to think I was a threat.

I was able to move from her head to stroke her entire body. Audrey watched, shaking her head in wonder, while Hannah clasped my free hand tightly.

“I want her,” I said, stilling my hand while Spring sniffed me more. “She’s mine, Audrey.”

She hesitated for a moment. “I don’t know if I can.”

“Put her down as a foster with a hold on adoption until her issues are sorted out. But I’m telling you now—she’s mine.”

Spring looked up at me with her big blue eyes, and I knew I was right.

She was mine.


Furrever Home

“There is no tuna,” I said to the little black ball of fluff who was staring at me with big, wide eyes.

“You should give him tuna,” Grandma said, shuffling out to the kitchen.

“I don’t have any.” I rolled my eyes at her. “I just said that.”

“Well, why not? He’s a cat. He needs tuna.”

“Because I’m not a bloody fish market.”

“A bloody fish market? You’ve spent too much with that English guy, my girl.”

I sighed. I wasn’t going to get into this again. Isaac was bringing Spring home today, and the last thing I needed was for Grandma Jen to be all up in my business about my relationship.

We hadn’t discussed the whole ‘she’s my girlfriend’ thing that had happened at the shelter. We’d gone from shady to one hundred in a matter of hours, and it’s not that I was against being his girlfriend because I wasn’t, but I also didn’t want him to think I was just taking it for granted that I was.

This was why I’d been single for a long time, kids.

Too many blurry lines.

“I like him,” Grandma said after a moment. “He builds my shelves and compliments my baking. You could have worse traits in a man.”

“I guess,” I said hesitantly. “Is this going anywhere? Or is it another episode of the Grandma Jen show?”

“I wish, dear. That would be a terribly entertaining show. Could you imagine the book club on national TV?” She cackled and reached for her cup of tea. “I think you should ask him to be your boyfriend.”

“We’re not in middle school,” I replied. “Besides, he’s not American. I don’t know his status. I don’t want to get myself into a relationship with someone who could be shipped back to the motherland at any point.”

Her laughter turned dark. “He’s got a green card.”

“How the hell do you know that?”

“I asked him, child. A darn sight more than you did!” She slapped her hand against the counter. “Why didn’t you ask him? You’re the one sucking face with him in public!”

“I am not!” I gasped.

She snorted. “I know. I just like fucking with you.” She shrugged and finished her tea. “Is that Mason outside? It’s time for him to take me home.”

I walked to the living room and looked out of the window. “No. It’s Isaac bringing Spring home.”

“Spring? What kind of name is that?”

“Oh, my God. Put your asshole away, Grandma.” I stalked past her and out to the front porch.

Isaac grinned the moment he saw me. “Hey! Wanna come say hi?”

“Grandma is here,” I called back. “Wanna bring her here?”

He hesitated for a second. “Where’s Lucifer?”

“Probably sleeping my sock drawer.”

“All right. I’ll bring her over.” He pulled her carrier out from the back seat. “I did actually want to try something with Lucifer.”

I was so excited to see her. She was the most beautiful cat I’d ever seen, and I was so glad Isaac had been able to talk the shelter into letting him adopt her.

Audrey knew he was adopting her, but I loved that she’d fudged the paperwork. It wasn’t like they didn’t know him after all. He was probably more qualified to look after him than they were.

Actually, there was no probably about it.

He was.

He carried her up to me and lifted the cat box so I could look inside. Spring was sitting at the very back, curled up in a little ball. She was so freaking pretty, and I smiled and motioned for him to bring her inside.

“Is that the cat?” Grandma asked. Even her voice was softer than usual.

“Yep,” Isaac answered, resting it on the island so she could see.

Grandma peered inside. “Well, isn’t she a pretty little thing. Between her and Hannah, you’re gonna have to fight the men off.”

Isaac pressed his lips together. “We’ll be fine.”

“Ooookay.” She held up her hands. “I believe that’s my ride outside. Copyright 2016 - 2024