Number Neighbors - Emma Hart Page 0,3

bed where you fall onto it.

Okay. This wasn’t so bad. A little weird I was getting turned on by a stranger, but not so bad.

NN: You open your legs as I take off my clothes so I’m in my underwear. I look down at you; I can see your pussy through the lace underwear. You’re already wet, and I grip your knees to keep your legs parted.



I clenched my legs together harder.

ME: Carry on.

NN: I lean over you and kiss you, biting your lower lip. You moan into my mouth, and I unclip your bra, freeing your full tits from it. I take your nipple in my mouth, playing with it with my tongue.

Did I join in now? Was that how this worked?

Fuck it.

I scooted back on the bed and reached my hand up under my shirt to my breast. My nipple was hard, and gently, I played with it, imagining it was his tongue.

ME: I like that.

NN: I know you do.

NN: I kiss down your body until I reach your pussy. I slide your underwear to the side so I can fully see your wetness. My finger glides through it, slipping inside you and back out and up to your throbbing clit. It goes back down, and I put two inside you.

Lord have mercy on my heathen soul.

NN: I fuck you with my fingers. My thumb is rubbing your clit as I move them inside you. You’re moaning and moving your hips, fucking my hand furiously.

I slid my hand down my body and between my legs. I hesitated, but only for a second.

I moved my fingers beneath my comfy, cotton panties and into the wetness that existed for real. My clit was aching in real life, and I softly circled it with my middle finger.

NN: I stop you and replace my fingers with my mouth. My tongue finds your clit and I suck hard, pulsing the tip of my tongue against it.

Heat flushed my body.

NN: You come in my mouth, filling the room with your moans of pleasure. I run my tongue over your pussy, tasting you in my mouth.

ME: You should fuck me now.

NN: I pull away and kiss you roughly so you taste your own cum. Then I stand and flip you over, smacking your ass as you land on your front. I yank off your underwear and you climb on your knees, giving me a full view of your wet pussy.

This was getting dicey.

ME: I slip my hand between my legs and rub my clit while I wait for you.

NN: Mm. I stroke my cock while you watch, then I part your ass cheeks and push my cock into your pussy.

I switched hands, putting my phone in my left, and slipped my right hand between my legs. I was wet as hell, and my clit was begging me to touch it, so I did.

I rubbed it gently, but his messages came thick and fast.

NN: You moan instantly. You love having me inside you.

NN: I grab your hips and fuck you hard, burying my cock deep inside you. You grind against me, taking my cock like it’s nothing.

NN: I grab your hand and wind it around my fist, pulling your head back so your back is arched. I fuck you harder and deeper. You moan so hard you’re practically screaming, but you love this.

NN: Rub your clit while I fuck you. You do as you’re told, sliding one hand between your legs to rub your clit.

NN: I want you to come all over my cock, so you rub harder.

NN: You come so fucking hard that I do, too, and I hold your ass against me as I come inside you.

Like a flipped switch, I come in real life. I writhe against my own hand, and it’s my own, empty room that’s filled with a quiet moan.

Mother. Of. God.

A couple of minutes later, I finally text him back.

ME: Holy shit.

NN: I guess you enjoyed that as much as I did.

ME: I’ve never gotten off to a stranger before, but it worked.

NN: *laughing face emoji*

NN: Same time tomorrow, stranger?

ME: What the hell. Sure. Let’s do it.

NN: It’s your turn tomorrow.

I put the phone down and buried my face in my pillow.

I guess I had some research on how to sext to do.

And yes, a small part of me recognized that this was really fucking weird. Wrong, almost.

No, definitely wrong.

Would it be wrong to ask to see the date of birth on his driver’s license before I cyber-fucked him tomorrow?

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