Number Neighbors - Emma Hart Page 0,25

for helping me with Lucifer out of the goodness of your heart.” I rolled my eyes. “Fine. Then it’s takeout.”

Isaac leaned a hip against the island. “Why? Can’t you cook?”

“I can cook,” I replied. “I make a very good ramen noodle with bread and butter on the side.”

His lips twitched as he fought back a laugh. “Takeout it is, then. My place or yours?”

“Do you think I should leave Lucifer alone right now?”

“Takeout at yours. Seven?”

“Make it seven-thirty, and there are rules, Isaac. You’re not just waltzing in here with… with that accent and, well, that.” I motioned to his body, then to his face. “It’s not fair on the rest of us who were made when God was in a bad mood.”

He rubbed at his mouth. “Okay, lay the rules on me.”

“No sexting. No talking about sexting. And no sex.”

“You’re just taking all the fun out of it.”

“I mean it. Those are the rules if you want to have dinner with me.”

He took a deep breath and sighed it right back out. “Fine. I’ll follow your rules—this time.” He stepped toward me and tapped me on the tip of my nose. “You’re bloody lucky you’re cute.”

Cute? Cute? Cute?

I followed him out of the kitchen. “Cute? I am a fully-grown woman, not a baby sloth!”

“Just as well. Sloths aren’t my favorite.” He winked at me and opened the door. “I’ll go grab my tools. My mum is about to Skype me, if she’s finally figured out how to log in to the damn app on her iPad. I’ll see you tomorrow.”


Ugh, that was so sexy.


What was wrong with me?


Willpower Is Not My Strong Suit

Immy tossed me a bag full of yarn that needed to be put correctly on the shelves. I caught it deftly and set it on the floor so I could untie the top and get to it.

“I help.” Maya stuck her hand in the bag and grabbed a ball before I could say a word.

Immy’s eyes widened. “Maya! Did you wash your hands before you touched that?”

Maya nodded her head firmly. “I do it two times. See? All cean.” She held up both hands, dropping the yarn to the floor, and wiggled her fingers.

“Okay, you can help. But make sure you get the colors in the right places and ask Hannah if you can’t reach.”

How did I end up with the kid? This wasn’t in my job description. I was gonna need a raise if I had to watch my cousin’s boyfriend’s daughter.

A big raise.

Somehow, together, we managed to get all the yarn put away. Granted I had to move several balls to the right spots, but she was a bigger help than I thought she’d be.

She slowed me down a bit, but hey.

She was only four.

After that, Immy settled her in the back room with a snack and some coloring and rejoined me in the front of the store. I took a box of acrylic paint from her and took it over to the paint stand while she grabbed another box. The store was half empty and in need of desperate restocking.

I set right to it, ignoring her first elbow nudge. Her second one was a little hard, but the third one went right into my ribs and made me squeal. “What?”

“Grandma said you’re having dinner with Isaac,” Immy said in a teasing tone. “Is that true?”

With a sigh, I explained how it came about.

“Ew! She told me she was going to a wine and paint place! She’s really drawing naked old men instead?”

“How the hell did she get that past you? Immy, nobody around here does a wine and paint thing. I’m surprised you aren’t doing it yet.”

She paused. “You’re right. Will you run it with me on a Thursday night?”

“No! I have a life.”

“You have a kitten and a neighbor you sext. I wouldn’t call that a life.”

“And you have a kinky old lady living with you. What’s your point?”

“I have no idea,” she mused. “Are you having a date with him though? Like more than just a neighborly dinner? I wanna know!”

“Ugh, my God. It’s not a date. I know he kissed me but—”

“He kissed you?” Immy squealed. She turned and grabbed hold of my arms, squeezing them in a death grip.

“Please let go,” I squeaked out. “That hurts.”

She darted back, releasing me from her claws. “Sorry. He kissed you?”

“Yeah. He dropped Lucifer round and after we talked for a bit, he was going to leave, but didn’t. I went Copyright 2016 - 2024