Nowhere but Home A Novel - By Liza Palmer Page 0,114

still in her swimsuit, her hair slicked back from the water. And she smiles. Beautiful. Open. She pulls her hand (and mine with it) up to her nose and scratches it. Another smile.

Come on.

Merry Carole speaks, “Thank you, Lord, for the feast you have provided us with and for your continued love and guidance. Thank you for blessing me with a strong and healthy boy any mom would be proud of. Thank you, Lord, for the friends and family who have gathered here today. Thank you for sprinklers and hot dogs on a summer day. In Jesus’ name, amen,” Merry Carole finishes, her eyes fluttering open as the tears start to come.

“Amen,” we all say together. Everyone begins to pass around food. Rose has yet to let go of my hand. I curl my fingers tighter and resolve to dine one-handed this evening.

It is a loud, raucous dinner. Hooting and hollering and arguing about football. Rose finally decided she needed the use of her other hand somewhere around her second hot dog. I excuse myself and walk inside in search of the Texas sheet cake. Merry Carole and Reed follow me.

“We thought we could make the announcement with the cake,” Merry Carole says as Reed takes a bottle of champagne and a bottle of sparkling cider out of a grocery sack.

“Oh, that’s perfect. Do y’all want to carry the cake out?” I ask.

“No, you go on ahead, Queenie. It looks really good,” Reed says, twisting the metal cage off the top of the champagne.

“Oh, don’t pop it in here. I’m sure the girls will love to see it,” Merry Carole says, her hand resting on his arm. He melts at her touch. He looks from her hand to her face and lights up as she smiles at him. He’s such a stoic man usually that seeing him so affected by her childlike excitement renders me speechless. Love. The promise of time together.

Reed opens the sliding glass door for Merry Carole and me. I can see Cal take in what’s happening. And he smiles. From ear to ear. He looks from his mom and Reed to Amelia and they share this little moment. It’s just a small smile and then a recognition that they can’t ruin the surprise. I see Amelia straighten up and try to hide her smile in the least covert way possible. Apparently not giving away the big announcement involves telling Rose she needs to clean her face of some of the ketchup. Rose obliges.

I set the cake in the middle of the table and all five children immediately get onto their knees and inch closer to the cake. I sit back down between Rose and Cal.

“We wanted to thank y’all for coming out here tonight. I know it’s a weeknight and we’ve all got an early day tomorrow. It means a lot to us,” Merry Carole says, lacing her arm around Reed’s waist. Dee takes the napkin from her lap and dabs at her already teary eyes. Fawn just squeezes Pete’s hand, looking at Merry Carole and Reed. They can barely contain themselves.

“I’m here to tell you that Merry Carole has made me the happiest man alive by saying she’d finally marry me,” Reed says, pulling the engagement ring from his pocket. He clumsily opens the box and with trembling hands kneels down on one knee and reaches up to place the ring on Merry Carole’s finger. The crowd goes wild—we’re clapping and oohing and awwwwing. Reed stands and kisses a weepy Merry Carole. But before anyone can speak, Reed continues, “And she’s given me something—” Reed’s voice catches. It’s just as much a shock to him as it is to all of us.

“Daddy? What’s wrong?” Amelia asks, her little brow furrowed. Dee leans over and comforts Amelia as Rose absently reaches for my hand. I am there and take it once again. I smooth my hand over Cal’s back as we all hold back a wave of emotion.

“Nothing, baby girl. I just . . . I thought I knew how much pride a man could feel by being your daddy.” Reed can’t help but smile as Amelia and Rose sit tall. He continues, “But to think that I now have a family . . .” Reed gets choked up again. There’s not a dry eye in the house. He manages one last sentence. “And a son any man would be proud to call his own.” The tears stream down our faces as Reed walks over to Copyright 2016 - 2024