Now That I've Found You - Kristina Forest Page 0,66

forward onto my face.

“Sorry,” a girl says, helping me back up.

I stand quickly, brushing off my clothes, but it’s too late. The wide-brimmed hat is gone, and I’ve lost Gigi.

Crap. Of course, the one time I don’t have Milo with me is when I could’ve used him and his ridiculous height the most.

Maybe there’s a chance it wasn’t her. But who else could that have been? I have to find out for sure.

Chapter Seventeen

When I burst through Gigi’s front door, I hear the sweetest sound I’ve heard in days: Gigi’s voice.

“Gigi!” I shout. But as I move farther into the house, I don’t see her.

“… call you back as soon as I’m able.” Her voice is followed by a loud beep. And then it hits me: Gigi isn’t actually here; that’s just the sound of her answering machine. Whoever called doesn’t bother to leave a message.

I slump against the wall, feeling tired to my core. The brief euphoria of thinking that Gigi had finally come home leaves me with an aching heart. Once again I wonder if I’ve messed up so badly that Gigi may never want to speak to me again. The silence in this house is so overwhelming I can’t stand it.

Then Mark Antony and Cleo appear at the bottom of the staircase, and Cleo meows long and loud. It lets me know that she misses Gigi just as much as I do. When I walk toward them and reach down to pet their heads, they don’t move away like usual. Sheesh. They must really miss her if they’re letting me pet them.

They follow me as I walk upstairs, pausing in the doorway to Milo’s room. I step inside, looking around at the few things he has here. A basket of folded clothes on the floor, a pair of sneakers by his bed, and coconut oil on his nightstand. His Doves Have Pride T-shirt is at the top of the basket, which confuses me. Doesn’t he need it for his show?

I picture the boys now. I bet they’re nervous and jittery because the A&R guy will be watching. And I bet Raf will throw a fit about Milo not having his shirt. I wonder if I should call him or bring the shirt to their show tonight, but I decide against it and force myself to leave his room.

I go and sit down on my bed. Tomorrow, everything is going to go to crap. I have to think about what I’m going to tell my parents and Kerri. They’re going to ask why I didn’t say anything sooner, why I thought I could handle any of this on my own, and I won’t have any answers. Flopping back onto my pillow, I let out a deep sigh.

The thought of sitting here alone in Gigi’s quiet house until I have to face my doom is unbearable. I know I saw Gigi tonight. I wish I could tell someone about it. Milo is the only person who knows what’s happening, but I don’t want to distract him on such a big night.

Then, as if I thought him up, he texts me. Is there any chance you’re at your grandma’s? I forgot my band shirt and I *really* need it. Can you please please bring it here? I’d owe you forever.

I text back right away, I’ll bring it.

Without a second thought, I sit upright, go into his room, and grab his Doves Have Pride T-shirt. Then I’m on my way out the door.

* * *

Adrian doesn’t bother carding me when I get to The Goose’s Egg. He just sighs. “Oh, look. It’s Milo’s friend who is not his girlfriend. New haircut?”

I reach up to touch my head and remember I’m only wearing my baseball cap. I’m not even wearing my sunglasses anymore. If I can walk through Bryant Park and not be recognized, I think the chances of me being recognized here are pretty slim. The disguise Kerri and I created is starting to feel a little silly now.

“Hi, Adrian,” I say, holding up Milo’s shirt. “Milo needs this.”

He narrows his eyes and then nods. “Go on in. No drinking, or—”

“I know,” I say, and he actually cracks a smile.

The show hasn’t started yet, but the crowd is here, and they’re ready. I keep my head down as I walk straight to the back room. I knock twice, and Milo opens the door. We stand face-to-face for the first time since our awkward morning. My heart rate quickens as I fumble Copyright 2016 - 2024