Now That I've Found You - Kristina Forest Page 0,63

actors on-screen. She said she felt like she was jumping out of the fishbowl and into the ocean.

James would buy me all the snacks I wanted, and I’d sit in the back seat of his Cadillac, stuffing my face with popcorn and licorice. He had a way of being everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Back when he and Gigi were married, I’d go days without seeing him, even though I knew he was in the house, and then he’d randomly show up in the kitchen one morning, pouring himself a bowl of cereal.

“Evie Marie,” he’d say, smiling at me. “Long time no see.”

Or he’d show up at the perfect moment, like when Gigi was ready to go to the movies. If the situation were different, I’m sure she would have enjoyed sneaking out to see Every Time We Meet in the park today.

It’s dusk now, and I’m ready to leave, just wearing my baseball cap and sunglasses this time. After Us Weekly posted those pictures, there’s no point in wearing the wig anymore. But I wonder if there might be some truth to what Milo said this morning. Not all of the comments underneath the article were terrible. Maybe everyone doesn’t hate me anymore?

Milo already fed Mark Antony and Cleo, but I’m standing in the kitchen wondering if I should give them a little extra before I go. That’s when the doorbell rings.

Gigi wouldn’t ring her own doorbell. And Milo has keys … Who could that be?

Hesitantly, I walk to the door, with Mark Antony and Cleo following behind at a safe and curious distance. When I peek through the peephole, I gasp so loudly both cats scurry back down the hallway.

In disbelief, I open the door.

“Evie Marie,” James Jenkins says, his smile full of charm. “Long time no see.”

All I can do is stare at him as he slides past me into the foyer. He’s dressed in a tan suit, and he looks cool even though it’s sweltering outside. He still has a full head of hair, but it’s mostly gray now. I haven’t seen him up close and in person since I was ten years old. This is so bizarre.

He takes in his surroundings and finally focuses on me.

“What are you doing here?” I ask, still not sure that this is actually happening. Suddenly, I’m afraid that he’s here to take back his offer. I couldn’t coordinate the meeting with Gigi, so he’s handling it himself. And I didn’t hold up my end of the deal, so I don’t have the role.

He takes a step back and looks me over. His smile is a little sad. “It’s been some years, hasn’t it?”

I’m eighteen, but standing here now, I feel like a little kid again, running into James in the hallway at Gigi’s old house.

“I saw you at Candice’s event,” he says. “You were wearing your grandmother’s dress.”

When I blink in surprise, he adds, “I was married to her three times. I know her wardrobe. And last night, you came to my party and ran from photographers.”

I don’t even try to deny it. “I wanted to talk to you because I thought you might know where Gigi went.”

“What do you mean?” He tilts his head, looking at me thoughtfully. Then he pauses. “Well, she hasn’t appeared to yell at me, so I’m going to guess she’s not here?”

“She hasn’t been here since Thursday,” I say. “So you don’t know where she is, then?”

He raises an eyebrow and shakes his head. “Why would I?”

“Because you were one of the last people she talked to before she left. And you wrote her a note.” I pull his note to Gigi out of my back pocket and hand it to him. “You said you knew her feelings hadn’t changed since the last time you spoke, which I’m guessing was Wednesday night when you called her. Did you tell her about the remake?”

He blinks. “Of course not. I thought we agreed it was a conversation that you would handle?”

“We did,” I say, sighing in relief. “I am handling it. But if you didn’t talk to Gigi about the remake, then why’d you call her?”

Slowly, James places the note in his jacket pocket. He starts to answer my question, then pauses as if he’s thought better of it. “Some things are just better left between an ex-husband and wife.”

I don’t know what to say to that. The conversation lulls for a moment. Then he turns and opens the front door, holding out Copyright 2016 - 2024