Now That I've Found You - Kristina Forest Page 0,60


As we ride the subway to Gigi’s, we sit side by side, and I try my best not to think of that kiss, or the way he looked at me over dinner, or how we had our very own Diane-and-Henry moment.

Because none of it really matters. Gigi was right. Falling in love isn’t meant for creatives. I should be concerned about finding Gigi above anything else.

* * *

Once we’re back at Gigi’s, Milo goes into the kitchen to feed the cats and I head upstairs to my room. As I’m taking off Gigi’s boots, Milo comes to stand in my doorway.

“Today was fun,” he says.

Fun. I wouldn’t have thought to use that word, but he isn’t wrong. Aside from the Simone run-in and not actually getting a chance to talk to James, today was more fun than I’ve had in a really long time. I almost felt normal again.

Milo really isn’t so bad.

I look at him now, leaning against the doorjamb, all tall and handsome. I bet he’ll make his next girlfriend really happy. In another world, one where I could bring myself to let someone in again, maybe that girl could be me.

But in this world, I’m unwilling to give my heart to someone just so they can inevitably break it.

“Good night, Milo,” I say.

He nods and taps the doorjamb. “Night, Evie.”

Footage from homemade video—May 17, 1974

*Evelyn Conaway and James Jenkins are at the home that they share in Los Angeles. They’ve just been married for a second time and are standing in their bedroom. Evelyn stands at the entrance to her closet, and James stands in the doorway, recording.*

James (off camera): So how does it feel to be Mrs. Jenkins again?

*Evelyn pauses in the act of taking off her heels, turns around to look at him, and covers her face*

Evelyn: I can’t believe Candice let you borrow that thing. Is it too much to ask that a camera not follow me around at home too?

*James chuckles*

James: Aww, come on. I’m just trying to capture the moment. Can you answer the question, please? How does it feel to be Mrs. Jenkins again?

Evelyn: Wonderful.

*Evelyn walks over and stands directly in James’s line of sight*

Evelyn: It feels absolutely wonderful.

James: You look like you have something else you want to tell me.

*Evelyn smiles and reaches for the camera, turning it on James, who is leaning against the doorjamb, smirking*

Evelyn: How do you feel to be married to me again?

James: It’s indescribable, babe.

*James reaches out and wraps his arm around Evelyn’s waist, bringing his face right up to the camera lens*

James: What do you want to do to celebrate?

Evelyn: I want you to take me to the movies.

James: If that’s what my lady wants, that’s what my lady gets.

*recording ends*

Chapter Fifteen


“Evie, is there something you want to tell me?” Kerri asks as I hold my phone to my ear.

I sit up in bed, groggy and half awake. Milo and I didn’t get back until almost 3:00 A.M. last night. I fell asleep without even taking off my makeup. Now, five hours later, I can barely open my eyes.

“What do you mean?” I clear my throat and fight off a yawn.

“Just ten minutes ago, I received this Google alert from Us Weekly: ‘Evie Jones Is in New York, and She’s Got a New Look and a New Guy.’”

I’m definitely awake now. “Oh no.”

“Oh yes.” Kerri continues to read, “‘After avoiding public appearances for months, last night Jones was first spotted at the Aliens Attack Earth 4 after-party, revealing a new short bob cut and a new beau, whom we’ve identified as Milo Williams from the indie band Doves Have Pride. They were later seen kissing at a diner in Times Square.’” Kerri pauses. “I just sent the article to you.”

I pull my phone away from my ear to open the link. Sure enough, there’s Milo and me, running down the street, hand in hand. I’m facing forward, and you can only see the back of my head, but Milo is looking at the paparazzi with wide eyes. Then there’s the photo of us kissing at the diner. Even with Milo’s back to the door and his jacket covering me, you can still see my face angled toward his as we kiss. His arms are wrapped around my waist and mine are looped around his neck. It was supposed to be a quick kiss where neither of us moved. Obviously, we got way too into it.

“Oh no,” I repeat. It seems to be Copyright 2016 - 2024