Now That I've Found You - Kristina Forest Page 0,43

months pregnant with my mom. While my grandfather was known for being a producer, he acted as Gigi’s manager as well. They’d always been close friends, but it turned into something more after her second divorce from James. From the way Gigi and my grandfather stared into each other’s eyes during the ceremony, it’s clear that their love was real.

My mom and Gigi always say life was really hard for them after my grandfather died. Somehow, James came back into the picture and helped Gigi when she needed him the most, and in 1990, to no one’s surprise, they got married again for the last time. In that wedding video, Gigi is wearing a white suit, and James stands across from her, flashing a huge smile. My mom stands to Gigi’s left, holding a bouquet of flowers. They were together for twenty-two years by the time they divorced in 2012. The reason behind their final separation is still a mystery.

Simone and I were friends for four years, and when she betrayed me, it felt like the worst sucker punch to the gut. I can’t imagine how Gigi must have felt when James hurt her after all they’d been through. It’s sad to think that a love like theirs can’t last.

I don’t really have time to dwell on that this morning, though. Milo texted that he’d meet me outside on Gigi’s stoop at 10:00 A.M. I quickly get dressed, and my foot is almost out the door when my mom FaceTimes me.

“Crap,” I mutter. I forgot to call her and Dad yesterday. Gigi is AWOL. What am I supposed to say to them?

I contemplate not answering, but I know that will only make things worse. I’m already on thin ice with my parents. I just need to pretend that everything is okay.

“Hi, Mom,” I answer, smiling brightly.

As usual, her face is too close to the phone, so I get a nice view of her nose before she leans away. My dad is sitting right beside her.

“We’ve been waiting to hear from you since yesterday,” Mom says, frowning.

“Sorry,” I say. “I’ve been really busy.”

“How is everything going?” she asks. “How’s Gigi?”

“She’s good. Everything’s great.”

“I tried calling her too, but she didn’t answer.” Mom raises an eyebrow. “That’s unusual, don’t you think?”

I shrug, sitting down on the couch in the living room beside Mark Antony and Cleo. They narrow their eyes and scoot a few inches away from me.

“I don’t know,” I say. My heart is beating a mile a minute. I really need to relax. “She didn’t answer when I tried to call at the airport either. She’s doing this thing where she screens all of her calls. But she’s also been really busy getting ready for the ceremony. I’ll tell her to call you when she has a chance.”

My dad leans over into the camera. “I hope you’re taking care of yourself out there. No partying or drinking, remember?”

“Yes, Dad.” I hold back a sigh.

“Well, is Gigi busy at this very second?” Mom asks. “I’d like to talk to her if she isn’t.”

“She’s asleep,” I say quickly. “She isn’t feeling well. I’ll tell her to call you back once she’s awake.”

I watch my mom’s face closely. She can smell a lie from a mile away. She says it’s one of the skills she gained while growing up in Hollywood.

“How bad off is she?” Mom’s eyebrows draw together. “Would you mind going to check on her while you have us on the phone?”

“Umm … well, actually, she…” Oh God, Evie, think of something.

“Meowww.” Cleo saunters across my lap and glares at me over her shoulder. Catspeak for “I’m hungry.”

“Actually, Mom, I’ve gotta go. I promised Gigi I’d feed her cats. See.” I flip the camera so that it’s facing Cleo. “I’m helping out since she doesn’t feel well. I have to call you back later. Love you! See you on Sunday!”

I hang up while they’re in the middle of saying goodbye so that they can’t find a way to continue the conversation. I don’t know how much longer I can lie to them.

After feeding the cats, I finally step outside, and Milo is waiting for me on the bottom stoop, dressed in his work uniform.

“Is the wig-and-sunglasses combo going to be an everyday thing?” he asks as I walk down the steps toward him.

“Yep.” I readjust my sunglasses for good measure.

“I thought we agreed on ten o’clock?”

“I know. I’m sorry. My parents FaceTimed me and wanted to talk to Gigi. I didn’t Copyright 2016 - 2024