Now That I've Found You - Kristina Forest Page 0,36

Candice says, as if this should have been my first thought.

“But Esther isn’t her assistant anymore—she retired. Why would she know?”

“Just because she’s retired doesn’t mean she doesn’t know what your grandmother is up to. I’m pretty sure she still schedules all of Peggy’s doctor appointments and such. Now she just does it from home. You should give her a call.”

“I will,” I say, feeling a new sense of hope. I hold the envelope close to my chest. “I’ll make sure my grandma gets this.”

Candice nods, eyeing me closely. “Even with the wig and all the makeup, I still see so much of her in you.”

I wish I saw some of Gigi in me.

I wish this situation, and everything that caused it, wasn’t happening at all.

The door suddenly opens, and Harper pokes her head inside. She looks a little frazzled. “Candice, I’m sorry to interrupt, but you’re needed out front.”

“Excuse me,” Candice says to me, following Harper out into the hallway.

I walk a few paces behind them. I need to find Milo and get back to Gigi’s, and I need to figure out a way to get in touch with Esther. Gigi probably has her address and phone number written down somewhere.

We reach the lobby, and a wave of whispers spreads through the crowd. People begin to part like the Red Sea. Who the heck is here, Michelle Obama?

I stand on tiptoe, tightly holding on to the envelope, straining to see what’s going on. Then I see who all the fuss is over: James Jenkins.

He’s in his early seventies, but he still has a dashingly handsome way about him. He walks confidently and upright, smiling and shaking hands with everyone. He’s wearing an impeccable suit, and it reminds me of how stylish he was when I was younger. I wonder if Gigi would be annoyed to see the way he’s swaggering through the lobby right now.

I knew I’d have to come face-to-face with him this week, but I’d hoped it would be under better circumstances. That our first time seeing each other again in eight years would be about me, him, and Gigi discussing my role in the Every Time We Meet remake. I didn’t plan on running into him here.

He’s not only in New York for the FCCs. A new Aliens Attack Earth movie comes out this weekend, and he’s probably here for promotion. He’s making his way toward Candice … toward me. Oh no. Now isn’t the time for a family-but-not-really-family reunion.

When we make eye contact, his walk slows, and he blinks. Can he see right through this silly disguise, unlike Candice? I take a step backward and search for an alternate route.

Quickly, I turn to Candice. “It was nice seeing you again.”

“Likewise,” she replies. “And don’t forget to give her the envelope.”

Nodding, I back away and turn in the opposite direction. I hurry to the meeting point, expecting to see Milo, but he’s not there. I pull out my phone to text him, but I see that he’s already texted me multiple times, and he’s called twice.


Evie, which direction did you go in?

I’m so sorry! I had to leave early! Band emergency!

You okay?

Will you come to the show after?

The Goose’s Egg in Williamsburg. Tell Adrian at the door that you know me

Wait a minute. He left? Just up and left when we had a whole mission? I knew I shouldn’t have agreed to let him come with me! I’m definitely not going to his show now. What does he think this is?

I rush outside and down the museum steps, careful not to slip and fall in my heels. Once I reach the sidewalk, I use an app to call an Uber and drop my phone back into my clutch. And that’s when I come to the startling realization that I don’t have any house keys. My makeup and phone are the only things I remembered to bring with me. Gigi’s spare keys are in my other bag from last night.

How am I supposed to go back to Gigi’s and look for Esther’s number if I can’t get into the house?

Okay, Evie, calm down. You are a smart, capable young woman. You can figure out what to do.

Should I call a locksmith? Would it be safe to call a locksmith to Gigi’s house? I don’t want anyone to know where she lives.

I squeeze my eyes closed and wait for the hysteria to fade away. An answer will come to me once I calm down.

“Excuse me, miss, do you Copyright 2016 - 2024