(Not) The Boss of Me - Kenzie Reed Page 0,102

she says hopefully, which earns her an outraged glower from Roy.

"Nope.” He inclines his head at Henry, who looks up briefly, then returns to his phone. He’s doing a crossword puzzle, I see.

"But you didn't bring a date?" she persists.

Blake arches his eyebrows. "Don't make assumptions."

Henry doesn’t look up from his phone, but he gives a slight head-shake of annoyance and rolls his eyes.

“Oh,” she says, her lower lip jutting out in a pout. “I see.”

She looks around for her date, who’s now making his way through the crowd, headed towards the door. “Roy? Where are you going?” she whines, and hurries after him. He doesn’t look back, and he shakes her hand off his arm when she tries to grab him. Oh well. Looks like she just lost a guy but gained a dress.

I don’t even bother asking Blake what he’s doing here. I can’t deal with any more of this hot-and-cold treatment. I have a dinner date to return to, and a doll to collect. Without that doll, I have no job. No fat commissions. No way to pay for my monthly peach jam orders, or Xena’s boarding. I’ve found her a very nice kennel, and it’s insane how much it’s costing me.

I shoot Blake a dirty look and stalk back to the table. Blake follows right on my heels. Henry shoots him a look, then returns his attention to his crossword puzzle.

"What is this?" Marshall demands, his suspicious gaze shooting from Blake to me and back again.

Blake grabs a chair from the table next to ours and plops down.

"I don't know, what is it?” His eyes gleam with malice. “Are we having fun yet?” He shakes his head. “You don't look like you're having fun. Is he fun, Winona?"

Marshall leaps to his feet, throwing down his napkin. He gives me a deeply wounded look. “I asked if you were single,” he says sadly. “Honesty is important. A lot of girls say they like me, or say they’re single, but they’re lying.”

"Marshall!” I protest. “I didn't know he would be here! I am single! I have no idea why Blake is crashing our date!”

“I thought you were the kind of girl who tells the truth.” Marshall shakes his head, turns, and stalks out of the room without another word.

“God, is he a strange one.” Blake scowls at his retreating back. “You’re better off. I don’t know what women see in him.”

“Money, you ass. He’s actually a nice guy, he just has social anxiety. And he knows it. He’s not some smooth, slick womanizer, he’s a guy who wants to find a nice girl. And he’s not the one doing the dumping. Women hit on him because he’s rich, then dump him when they find out how awkward he is.”

“Whatever,” Blake mutters sourly.

“Sir.” Henry’s appeared by Blake’s side. He gestures at my table. “I took the liberty of putting the wine on your tab. Also, I have seen several people surreptitiously taking pictures. You might want to continue this conversation somewhere more private.”

I’m angry at Blake, but I don’t want to provide fodder for the gossip columns. I grab my purse and follow Blake and Henry out the door, to the limo that’s double parked outside.

“Do you mind taking a cab home?” Blake says to Henry. “I need to talk to Winona alone.”

“Yeah, you do,” I glower. I glance at Henry. “Enjoy what’s left of your evening, Henry.”

He favors me with a small smile and a very formal bow. “I shall do my very best.”

I wait until Blake and I are inside his limo and the door is shut before I unleash my wrath. "You have no right to crash my date. None!” I yell at him.

He grimaces. “I know.”

“How did you even find us?”

“I know people who work at Norfolk’s. They told me that Marshall was here with you. Also, we sort of move in the same circles, and apparently he’s been talking about the date all week.”

“Well, that makes me feel terrible. I’m as big a jerk as you,” I say wretchedly. “And I’m not going to be able to get the doll. You understand that? Tamara’s birthday is Sunday and there is literally no way that I'm going to be able to get that toy. You made me break a promise to a six year old.”

"I’m sorry,” he groans. “You’re right. I have absolutely no excuse and I’m a complete freaking moron.”

It’s hard for me to stay angry at him, even though I have every reason

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