Norma Jean - By Amanda Heath Page 0,73

ask gently.

She looks terrified again for a second before it morphs into determination. “Yes. I’m ready.”

I grin and let go of her hand. I skate ahead of her letting my speed pick up. I love Norma but I want to go fast and feel free for the first time in years. God how I have missed this. After a while I peek back behind me and Norma has a soft smile on her face while she watches me. I start to smile back but she stumbles and falls over to her hands before I can. “Norma!”

I race over to her and pick her up gently. She is shaking and I think she has hurt herself. “I’m okay, Chance.” Her voice breathless with laughter.

“What so funny?” I question confused.

“I was so engrossed in you, I lost my footing. God I have it bad.” She turns her head away from me as her cheeks turn pink.

I place my fingers on her chin and turn her face back to mine. “Good. I have it so fucking bad for you, I can’t think straight.” We both grin like idiots and climb back up to our skates. “Ready for some more?” I wink.

“Yes!” she yells racing ahead of me.

When Norma starts to get bored, I sit her down at a wooden bench in the food part of the rink. I order her some popcorn, nachos, and jelly beans. She was always a really weird eater. I order some nachos for myself and head back to our table.

“I still can’t believe that you eat all this shit together. I thought you would have grown out of that.” I shake my head at her as she digs into her food.

“My dad is almost forty and he stills eats like this. I believe I’m stuck with it for life.” She pops in a jelly bean followed by a chip covered in cheese and topped with a jalapeno.

“I don’t see how you can’t have heart burn after you eat all that. Or the fact you don’t weigh three hundred pounds. I’m male and I can’t even eat all that you do.” I pop my own chip in sans jalapeno.

“It’s a gift.” She grins. “No, but really, I have a high metabolism. As for the weird order it’s just genetics. I like the way they all taste together. The weirder the better.

“Whatever floats your boat, smalls.” I cross my feet under the table and feel one of her feet land in my lap.

“It floats my boat just fine, big foot.” Her toes curl on top of my dick making it twitch.

“Norma. Stop.” I plead looking around to see if anyone is paying attention to us.

She opens her mouth to reply but her phone alerts to a text message. She pulls it out of her bag and her hand slides over the touch screen. Before long all the color drains from her face. I grab the phone out of her hand without even thinking.

Creed: You can go hide away with Chance all you want but I’ll find you. Besides, you’ll need more than him to protect you, honey.

I guess no matter what we do to get away from it all, he stills finds a way to ruin it.

Chapter 15


I know you probably have your opinions about me already. I’m sure they aren’t good, but I feel the need to clear a few things up with you.

First I only found out I was Macy’s father the day I kidnapped her. It was the only way I could think of to get back at Chance and Norma. I had no intentions of hurting her. I might have questionable morals but hurting a kid is something I would never do. Let alone my own kid.

Second, I did not rape Cassie. I have enough women dropping at me feet, I don’t need to force them to have sex with me. I think she has this fucked up way of trying to save herself some reputation. All that bullshit about her not having sex with anyone around the time she fucked me, is some of the craziest stuff I have ever heard. I know for a fact she had sex with one of my buddies at the same party she hooked up with me. How do I know that? I walked in on them, duh.

I never really spent any time around Macy so I didn’t see that she looks so much like me. You could take a picture of her as a baby, hold it up Copyright 2016 - 2024