Norma Jean - By Amanda Heath Page 0,68

of that shit.” I walk over to kiss Norma on the head and whisper in her ear, “Love you smalls.”

She smiles up at me and I head up the stairs to my own room. Alone.

I pass Declan’s room and there is a card table set up. He and his little brother Marcus sit in two of the four chairs surrounding the table. “Hey since the girls are doing their thing I figured we could do our own. Though I’m not sleeping with all of you in the room.”

“Sweet cards! And whiskey!” Caden exclaims claiming the seat next to Marcus.

I shake my head at him and walk into the room. “Cool, I guess.” I mutter sitting next to Declan. He deals out the cards and we start playing poker. I’m not good at this game at all. I can’t even tell you the rules or even how to play. Though we aren’t using real money, so I’m not losing anything.

“So Chance you were going to tell us details on what happened in the truck with Norma.” Caden says slyly making me glare in his direction.

“We seriously just had this conversation. Shut up because I’m not going to tell you anything.” I set my cards down to smack him on the back of the head.

Of course this piques Declan’s curiosity, “What happened in the truck?” I glare at him as well and then over at Marcus for extra measure.

“Dude he ripped off her panties.” He smirks at me when my entire face flushes yet again for the second time tonight.

Marcus and Declan look over at me like that haven’t ever seen me before. “I honestly didn’t know you had that in you.” Declan states clearing his throat.

“Me either.” Marcus throws in.

I roll my eyes. “None of you has had or will have sex with me, so how the hell did you know what I had in me or not?” I ask raising my eyebrows.

Declan blinks several times before answering. “Well you have a point there.” He clears his throat again. “I just meant you don’t seem to be that kind of aggressive in the bedroom.”

Caden chuckles about to reply when the girls yell out downstairs. We all get up and rush to the landing but nothing seems out of place. “What’s wrong?” I call out.

Their heads turn up to us and Norma says, “Toby is dead!”

Damn Pretty Little Liars.

Chapter 14


“So what is your story?” I ask Teagan in between bites of ice cream she pulled out of the freezer.

“Oh good lord. It’s a long one, are you sure you have time? You might need some tissues as well!” she laughs but I have a feeling she’s serious.

“Yeah I want to know. I’m super nosy, I get it from my…Grammy.” I look down at my hands which are folded in my lap.

“Hey it’s okay, I think it’s human nature to be nosy. I hear though your Grammy was really good at it.” She smirks over at me before placing her spoon down in the tub of Southern Blackberry Cobbler. “Well I’m one of six. My five brothers and sisters are all from the same mom and dad. I’m not. My dad and step mom were going through a rough patch and he cheated which produced me.” She scowls before shoving more ice cream in her mouth. When she’s done swallowing she goes on, “My mom didn’t think it was a good idea for me to know about my brothers or sisters, not until I was ten and she was dying from breast cancer. I was devastated. I honestly didn’t know what to do. Caden and Jaden are two weeks older than me and were in the same grade as me! I’m like, you just decided to spring this on me just because you’re dying? Gee thanks mom.” She rolls her eyes looking up the stairs for a second. “I got over the pain and moved on with my life. Though Caden and Jaden like to think they control my life. I really don’t think Caden cared about my relationship with Declan. He didn’t even know about it till it was too late anyway. I was already in love with him. Like he has any room to talk. But thats a different story.” She shrugs her shoulders looking back at me.

“So they didn’t want you to be with Declan? Why? He seems to have his head on straight. He puts all the guys I know to shame, including Chance.” I stuff the spoon in Copyright 2016 - 2024