Norma Jean - By Amanda Heath Page 0,60

it once, twice, three times. My back arches at the exquisite touch and I moan out really loud. When he starts rubbing it hard I meet his eyes as my climax takes over my entire body.

He forces our mouths together to smother the cries and growls from the release. He jerks under me as I see the lightning again behind my closed eyes. We fall down to my bed and he curves his body around my back. His arm lays over me protectively and I can’t help but to feel completely in love with him. Again.


The sun shining right into my eyes is what wakes me the next morning. I feel safe and protected here in Chance’s arms. I honestly never want to leave. I roll over and look up at his face. His eyes pop open as I move and I give him a shy smile. “Good morning.” He says, his voice rough with sleep.

“Good morning.” I reply. He kisses me softly on the lips right before my mom bursts into the room.

“Good morning kids. Get up I have coffee and pancakes!” and then she is gone. I’m going to have to talk to her about drinking too much coffee again. She doesn’t work graveyard anymore since I’m not living here.

“Is she on crack?” Chance asks and I can’t help but to laugh. We smile at each other and climb out of bed.

I get distracted pulling on a clean pair of undies by his glorious naked bod. I seriously want to lather him up with whipped cream and eat him up. Okay that was a little weird but you would too if you got one look at him. All those muscles hiding just under his skin. I could do my laundry on his abs. His pecks are buffed out and his shoulders are wide and strong.

It takes me a moment to realize he is eyeing me the way I am him. My underwear are half way up my legs and I kind of feel like a deer caught in head lights. He swallows and licks his lips, “Later. I will bend you over something later.” He states before he turns around to get dressed.

My mom is in her robe sitting at the kitchen table sipping on a cup of coffee. “Don’t you think you’ve had enough?” I ask pointing at her cup.

She looks at me and rolls her eyes. “No. I have been up since three when I had to hear my daughter having sex. Excuse me if I’m a little freaked the hell out.” Chance drops his cup to the floor and coffee goes everywhere. I feel my cheeks turn red and I kind of sputter. “It’s okay though. At first I was really upset, but then I got to thinking you’re grown and I’m just jealous you’re getting some and I’m not.”

I think Chance is about to faint and I sputter some more. Then I didn’t blurt out, “Whatever happened to that guy you had over when I was little? This is a trailer mom. It shakes, and I might have been ten but I’m not stupid.”

And mom didn’t blurt, “It was just your father. And don’t tell him you remember.”


“So that’s Norma Jean? That sexy little thing over there with all that hair and perfect butt?” Caden points with his free hand, the other holding a keystone light.

I knock his hand down before she realizes he is pointing at her. “Yes that’s her. Now shut up.” I glare at him before taking a sip of my own beer. My mom decided to throw a party to celebrate that Macy is safe and okay. It’s really more for Macy since the kid loves parties.

“No seriously Chance. You are thinking of leaving that behind? Cuz if you really are I’ll go holler at her. I’d love to bend her over something.” He winks at me. Declan walks up behind him and slaps him on the back of the head.

“Shut up Caden. You stay out of his love life, because you sure as hell don’t want anyone in yours. I think out of the three of us, yours is the most messed up.” He gives Caden a pointed look. The three of us make a strange pair. The tortured bad boy artist, who isn’t really tortured. The football star with daddy issues who is going to be a lawyer and is in love with his best friends little sister. And the silent strong type who’s into math. We all Copyright 2016 - 2024