Norma Jean - By Amanda Heath Page 0,25

older, then I’ll have no complaints. I also met the snake, which was an interesting introduction to say the least. Rydstorm proceeded to wrap himself around my neck but he didn’t try to kill me. It’s an understatement that I didn’t freak completely out. That’s also where she told me he was named after a demon king in a Kresley Cole book. Whoever that is. Apparently she reads romance novels like nobody’s business.

She also doesn’t just eat weird shit at Sonic. No she eats it anywhere she goes. I told her one night I would cook dinner for her, she agreed as long as she got to pick what we ate. Spaghetti, New England clam chowder, and pumpkin bread is what she picked. I’m still floored by that one. I made it all for her (with help from my mom of course). We went to the Mexican place one night and I thought for sure she couldn’t weird me out there but no I was wrong. The mixing her queso and salsa wasn’t weird it was the taco salad, extreme nachos, and a sopa with guacamole. I’m still not over that one.

My favorite experience though was just last week. I had no idea that Norma could sing. So imagine my surprise when I heard this beautiful voice come from Macy’s room. It was time for her nap and since she started teething it has been hard to get her to sleep. The words of Guardian Angel by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus coming out in her angel like voice has me seeing things and wishing things I shouldn’t at 18 years old. Like her singing that to a little brown hair violet eyed girl. It’s also when I realized I was so in love with her I don’t think I would ever exist without her. And this is really deep for me, let alone someone my age. I kind of didn’t know what to do with it.

Being here at the prom with Norma, is unlike anything I could have imagined. I was honestly surprised that she agreed to go with me. But I’m not complaining.

After the song ends I nuzzle her ear and feel the resulting shiver and smile. “Want to get out of here?” I whisper into that ear as I suck on the lobe.

“Yeah.” She whispers back arching her neck into my lips.

“Good.” I say pulling her along through all the other dancers and towards the door.

Since both of our moms took off tonight to be there to see us off, we can’t go home. So I rented a hotel room. Which isn’t as sleazy as it sounds. Most of our grade rented out the same hotel. I’m sure it will turn into one big party, most likely busted up by the cops.

We make it to the truck in record time mostly because I’m practically running. Norma’s heels clinch against the pavement as she hurries to keep up with me. We talked about the hotel room of course. I told her it didn’t mean anything, hell we could go there and sleep till the morning and I would be fine. Just as long as she is with me. I feel the time we have is getting shorter by the minute. I’ll be headed to Fayetteville really soon and since she isn’t going to college, I don’t know where that leaves us.

It’s hard to believe that tomorrow I won’t be in high school anymore. I’ll be an adult or what society considers an adult. I won’t have to put up with high school drama and immature assholes. The only thing that really sucks is the fact I’ll be away from Norma, my mom and Macy. My three best ladies.

I open the truck door for Norma and help her get in. I speed walk to the drivers side door and hurriedly climb in. I notice she is all the way on the other side. I put my hand on her warm thigh and pull her right next to me. I don’t think I could make it to the hotel if she wasn’t close to me.

“You’re excited tonight.” She murmurs lacing her fingers with mine on her thigh.

“I get you all to myself. All night.” She chuckles and I soak in the sound. God I love that sound.

Her head lays down on my shoulder and she sighs. “Can you believe we won’t be in high school any more after tomorrow?”

“No. Doesn’t seem like the day would ever come. Can’t wait though.” We settle Copyright 2016 - 2024