Norma Jean - By Amanda Heath Page 0,18

my front door. Really? Stalk much?

“You’re turning into a stalker Chance. I’m going to answer the door with a shotgun.” I warn even though I don’t own a gun.

“You don’t have a gun. You wouldn’t hurt a fly.” A smile tugs at my lips, but I refuse to let him win.

“How would you know that?” I ask getting out of bed and heading into my bathroom.

“I don’t think you would shoot anyone.” He knocks again, like maybe I didn’t hear him.

My hair is a mess and I have mascara smudged under my eyes. “Hold on.” I say into the phone and set it down on the counter. I quickly pull my hair back into a low ponytail and wipe the smears away. I look down at myself and cringe. I will have to change.

I run back into my bedroom and pull out a pair of plaid sleep pants and pull them on over my black boy shorts. I find my hoodie on the floor and throw it over my plain, thin as hell cotton tank top.

I leave my phone in the bathroom and head to the front door. I look out the long rectangular window and see him wearing a small smile. My heart starts beating faster and I curse under my breath. Get yourself together Davis!

I slowly open the door and step out on to the black iron steps Marley made my mom in shop class last year. “How did you know where I lived?”

I’m standing on the top step and he is three down but we are face to face. His eyes are doing that heated look he seems to get around me a lot. I thought I covered up pretty well, so I don’t know what the hell he could be turned on about.

“Macy wouldn’t sleep. Drove her around and saw your car. Thought I’d get a goodnight kiss.” Okay that was sweet. So I don’t think about it when I lean forward and brush my lips against his. His hands come up to cup my face and I open my lips for his tongue. I love the way he always wants entry into my mouth. I love how he kisses me like he might die if he didn’t.


No, no I didn’t like, let alone love any of that.

Damn, I’m in serious trouble.

He breaks away from me all too soon and I blink open my eyes kind of in a daze. “That’s it?” I find myself asking before I could stop.

“Yeah. See you tomorrow.” He steps down the stairs backward and gives me a small wave before walking towards his truck which is parked behind my car. He gets points for being a gentleman. Damn, he was supposed to be an asshole. Not this sweet guy who doesn’t try to take me to my room and ravish me. I’m starting to think the rumors are true. The rumors that say he is a virgin. Which I don’t know how any 18 year old male could be a virgin.

Though stranger things have happened.

I head back into my house in a fog. I take off the clothes that I put on, throwing them around my room and falling back on my bed. I lift up on my elbows and find Rydstorm watching me with his crazy red eyes. “What?”

Great now I’m talking to my snake. I have lost my mind, officially. I’m finding redeeming qualities in the boy who ruined my life. Which is scary as all get out because that means I could really fall for him. I don’t want that, I just want him to hurt. I have to remember that, always. Make him suffer like he made me suffer.

You’re the ugliest girl on the face of the planet.

Your pimples need their own zip code, they are so huge.

What are you looking at zitface? Want some of this? Too bad, I wouldn’t touch you with a ten foot pole.

Here comes zitface. Look at all that pus leaking out of those things. She is so disgusting.

Don’t stand too close to her, you might catch that stuff!

Zitface you really need to clean your face. You’re so hideous. If you took care of that, then maybe you would have friends.

I’ll remember for the rest of my life, every single thing he said. I’ll remember that pain and the embarrassment. Mostly I’ll remember what it feels like to have revenge.


I pull up outside of Norma’s house for our date Friday night. I’m nervous as all get out. I have never taken Copyright 2016 - 2024