Nori's Delta (Delta Team Three #1) - Lori Ryan Page 0,41

that might or might not be part of the bunker. Its walls had looked like plaster but they could be plaster over concrete in a bunker or they could be the plaster walls of any windowless room in any country. Hell, for that matter, they could be on this compound in a building right next door.

The hostages hadn’t been able to talk much and the video feed hadn’t been long, but from what she could see they were in good health. They didn’t look like they’d been starved or tortured or anything along those lines. But she had felt like they were trying to convey something to her with their eyes. She just didn’t know what.

“His request for access to US military satellites is completely off-the-wall,” said Geoff.

“I agree. I can’t for the life of me figure out why he thinks that’s something we could offer,” Eleanor said.

“Maybe he doesn’t,” Heath said.

Eleanor turned to him. “What you mean?”

“Maybe he knows it’s an impossible ask but he also knows that you’ll need to take it to your boss before you can officially turn him down. He had to know you wouldn’t have come here with prior authorization to put satellite intelligence on the table. So it would take you some time to run it up the pipeline.”

“And time is what he wants.” Eleanor closed his eyes. “He’s playing us. He wants to delay for something and I guarantee you it’s something that has to do with those hostages.”

“But what? And why did he agree to these talks if he’s just going to screw around like this?” Marcus asked.

Eleanor shook her head. She didn’t know. And she hated feeling so out of her depth in an arena where she should have been in complete control.

Chapter 20

Eleanor and Demir spent the following morning working out the details of the weapons and training support the US would provide to Demir’s army. They also negotiated for medical support and food for his people.

The stronger his people were, the more likely his efforts in the area were to succeed, so medical care and food were an important part of his plans.

She had met his mother and father earlier in the day, confirming for her that this man’s family was important to him. His father walked with a severe limp and she learned it was the result of the battle that killed Demir’s grandfather when King Barrera’s regime overthrew his predecessor’s party.

As far as Demir and his family were concerned, they were attempting to right old wrongs with their fight against King Barrera. Their’s was a battle to return the country to the rightful hands of the people.

Their conversation so far had convinced Eleanor that Demir wouldn’t slaughter or persecute the Muslim population of Kazarus if his army succeeded in toppling the current regime. She only prayed she was right about that and was reading him correctly.

But as things stood now, Christians in Kazarus were being oppressed and in many cases worse so she had to hope that her efforts here would help put an end to that without flipping the situation from one religious sect to another.

“I think we are close to an agreement, wouldn’t you say, Ms. Bonham?” Demir asked.

“We’re close. And I’m truly hoping we’ll be able to commit to an agreement here today,” Eleanor said. She meant it.

Demir smiled. “There is the matter of the satellite access.”

Eleanor tilted her head. “And the hostages.”

Demir gave a slight shrug as if to say they were unimportant and Eleanor had to wonder if she was putting more faith in this man than she should. “Yes, the hostages,” he seemed to add almost grudgingly.

“I can’t offer you on-demand satellite access anytime you want. I’m sure you understand our country can’t simply put our military satellites at your disposal. What I can offer you is a one time still image of Kazarus, everything we have access to from our satellites at this moment in time. You’ll know where the government has military forces, and the level of forces you’re going up against, where the king might be holding his largest weapons. It’ll give you an enormous advantage you don’t currently have.”

Demir was shaking his head. “You know as well as I do that forces change locations routinely. The regime can move troops from one area to another in a matter of days. A one-shot moment in time tells me nothing.”

“It tells you a great deal more than you know at the moment.”

He looked at her, waiting, and Eleanor Copyright 2016 - 2024