Nori's Delta (Delta Team Three #1) - Lori Ryan Page 0,4

the possibility of it.

“Nori, it’s Heath. It’s Heath Davis. I’ve got you. I’ve got you.”

Eleanor froze again as his words broke through the haze surrounding her. Heath?

She couldn’t make sense of the name, so out of place in her world now. So unexpected.

She looked up into the glass-green eyes of a man she never thought she’d see again. And certainly not in the middle of a kidnapping attempt outside a Turkish airport.

Whether it was the stress of the moment, the shock of seeing him again, or the insanity that now seemed to be firmly taking over her battered mind, she let out a garbled half-laugh, half-cry. Then she did the only thing she could in that moment.

She let herself slump into the hold of a man she’d once thought she’d loved. Once, a very long time ago when she was a very different person.

Chapter 3

He didn’t think Eleanor was fully processing what was happening.

“Principal is secured. Pursuing target,” Jangles said through their comms as he and Zip took off after the guy who’d just tried to grab Eleanor.

Heath had his arm around her and was practically carrying her as he took in their surroundings. There was no sign of anyone else working with the man. No one who looked like they would be a threat. Only shocked onlookers who had realized too late that something was happening.

He scooped up her bags where she’d dropped them and looked down at Eleanor. Her eyes were glassy and he could feel her shaking.

He spoke quietly, his voice low and reassuring. “You’re all right now, Nori. They won’t get near you now that we’re here.”

He’d said much the same thing a few times now and she nodded jerkily but he knew she’d need time to deal with what had just happened.

Thank fuck he’d gotten to her in time. He didn’t want to think what might have happened if the man had gotten her away from the terminal to someplace he could work her over alone. Heath had seen too much of what people could do to each other in this world.

She tilted up her head to look at him. “Why are you here?”

She took a little step back as she seemed to realize how close they were. He didn’t blame her. He was probably the last person she wanted to see.

“I’ll explain it all when we get you into a vehicle.”

She looked down the sidewalk at all the cars coming through the passenger pickup line closer to the terminal.

“My team will be here any—”

He stopped when Merlin pulled their SUV around the traffic of the airport, two wheels kissing the curb, before coming to a stop in front of them. Heath nudged her to the car, steering her to the back seat and then sliding in beside her so she was sandwiched between him and Duff.

Jangles and Zip jogged up to the car, Zip jumping into the front seat, while Jangles hopped into the third row through the back.

“I take it you didn’t catch up to the guy who tried to grab her?” Heath was talking through gritted teeth but he couldn’t stop himself. He was trying to deal with the insane protective drive coursing through him at seeing her in danger just now.

It wasn’t anything like dealing with protection detail on another op. There were plenty of times when a threat got up close and personal with their principal. They handled it. Stayed calm and got the job done, neutralizing the danger.

When Heath saw Eleanor struggling with that man, saw that man’s hands on her, cold hard rage had torn through his body so hard and fast it damn near floored him. He’d be damned if he was going to let anything happen to this woman.

Zip turned in his seat, answering Heath’s question about the man they’d been chasing. “Took a header right over the edge of the overpass before we could grab him. Actually dove headfirst like he wanted to make damned sure he didn’t survive that fall.”

Heath saw Eleanor go pale as she wrapped her arms around her middle and seemed to gulp in air. Damn. He needed to settle her down. He put a hand on her leg and squeezed gently, focusing her attention on him.

Heath spoke quietly. “Slow your breathing. Nice and easy.”

She watched him as she did as he said, taking one deep breath after another.

“Eleanor, this is Merlin.” Heath gestured to Merlin who was currently pulling the car away from the curb and out into traffic.

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