Nori's Delta (Delta Team Three #1) - Lori Ryan Page 0,10

weren’t as scantily clad as they might be in a US club but there were two women dancing in the center of the room and she saw women seated in men’s laps here and there, grinding in the darkened corners.

He led her to a table in a corner near the back of the space. She realized then that he’d been talking for the last few minutes and could only guess he was talking to his team on some kind of comm system.

Heath sank into a seat at the table and Eleanor got her first good look at him. He was struggling. His eyes were glassy and he was breathing heavy. He looked up at her and pressed one of his guns into her hand under the table.

“Eleanor. My guys are going to come get you.” He tipped his head toward a hallway. “You go down this hall and wait just inside the back door. They’ll come down the alley and grab you.”

She shook her head.

His eyes went hard and dark and she guessed she was supposed to be afraid. “I’m staying here to cover you if these guys come in here. Now, go!”

Eleanor shook her head. No way in hell was he leaving him here.

“I’ll be right behind you Eleanor, I promise. I’ll cover you from here and then I’m right behind you.”

It was bullshit and she knew it. Hell, they both knew it. His left arm was hanging by his side and he looked like he might pass out again at any minute.

The front door opened. Eleanor didn’t look to see if it was their pursuers. She grabbed a scarf someone had left sitting over the back of a chair and put it over her head. Then she straddled Heath in the chair and bent her head to kiss him, keeping her hands twined in the scarf as she wrapped her arms around him, so that anyone looking at them in the darkened corner would only see two people who should be renting a room instead of two people running from hired killers.

Heath groaned and gripped her hips and she thought for a minute he would push her off of him and force her to go out the back without her.

Fat chance in hell of that happening. He was only there because of her—in more ways than one. If she got him killed, she’d never forgive herself.

Then he was kissing her back and it was her turn to groan as need and hunger flooded her. God, this man had made her melt and forget all reason when they were in high school. He’d always been able to have her aroused and losing her mind with nothing more than his hands and mouth.

Now, though—now was a whole other story. His hands gripped her tight and pulled her hips to his. She felt all the strength of his hard body heating her own to the core. His mouth slanted over hers and he took control of the kiss, delving into her mouth and feasting on her with a passion that stole her breath.

She pressed her breasts to his chest as a slow sweet ache spread through her. She shouldn’t be doing this. They shouldn’t be doing this. It was all sorts of wrong, but damn if it didn’t feel right.

She moaned against his lips, wanting nothing more than to stay in his arms.

Heath broke the kiss and she felt his glare on her for a second before he looked over her shoulder.

“They’re gone.”

Eleanor’s cheeks heated as she realized he hadn’t been affected by the kiss at all. He was still on, still working, making sure they were safe.

While she’d been acting like they were teenagers again in the back of his dad’s BMW.

“You have to listen to me if I’m going to keep you safe, Eleanor.”

She scrambled off his lap and stood. “I’m not going out the back without you so you need to find a way to stand up and move.”

He grunted and pushed himself up, leaning heavily with his good arm on the table. His eyes seemed a little clearer, and she hoped the blow to the head was wearing off some. Eleanor put herself under his other arm and tried to support him, though she honestly didn’t know if she was doing any good. Together, though, they moved down the hall he’d gestured to before. She could see the door he’d said to go through. Heath stumbled and pulled them off balance into the wall.

Eleanor pulled at him, Copyright 2016 - 2024