No Way Out - Fern Michaels Page 0,88

lawyers. Where are you planning on living?”

“Believe it or not, I’m moving back into my mother’s house. She could use someone to help with chores. Besides, the house is big enough that we won’t get in each other’s way. Jackson can have his own room and decent meals when he’s with me. You know I’m a crummy cook.” Mitchel smiled.

Colleen smiled. “I’m glad things are turning around for you. And I know you’re the one doing the work. Let’s talk on the phone and come up with a plan. Personally, I would prefer to have him during the week so as not to disrupt his school schedule, and you can have him on weekends. Naturally, if anything comes up in the middle of the week, we can work things out. Does that sound good to you?”

“Sure thing. You know how much I hate doing homework.” Mitchel chuckled.

“Sounds good. Take care.” Colleen walked over to her mother.

“What did he have to say for himself?” Judith sneered.

“Oh, Mother, you’re getting your wish. We’re getting a divorce,” Colleen said, with the slightest bit of exasperation. “And we’re working out custody.”

“Really? Where is he going to take Jackson? Greg and Elaine’s basement?” she scoffed.

“No. He’s moving into Vivian’s.”

“That sounds like a horror show to me.” Judith was appalled.

“I don’t know about that. She’s been rather mellow lately. Or so I’ve been told.”

“Speak of the devil,” Judith muttered under her breath.

“Hello, Colleen. Judith.” Vivian smiled at both of them. “I’m happy to see that you and Mitchel can be civil with each other. He’s working hard at redemption.”

“I can tell. He said he was moving back into your house?”

“Yes. To be honest, I was on the verge of putting it on the market. It was getting to be too much for me. But Mitchel’s being around will be a relief, and I do so want to keep the place in the family. It can use some TLC, and I’m sure Jackson won’t mind dipping a brush in a can of paint.” She chuckled.

“As long as you and Mitch do the laundry.” Colleen laughed. “Have a good day, Vivian.”

“You both do the same.” Vivian caught up with Mitchel in the hall.

“What’s come over her?” Judith referred to Vivian’s mood.

“I told you, she seems to be on her own path of rehabilitation. Frankly, I don’t know, and I don’t care, as long as she stays that way,” Colleen said.

“I’m sure everyone around her does.”

“Mom, I’ll be right back. I want to speak to Officer Pedone.” Colleen walked in his direction.

“Thank you for coming today. It was comforting to see you.”

“I’m glad it worked out for everyone,” Pedone said.

Colleen looked up at him. “About that dinner.”

Pedone thought she was going to change her mind.

“Would Saturday night be too soon?”

“Not at all. What time?” His serious face turned into a big grin.

“Six?” Colleen knew Jackson would be with his father for an overnight, so she didn’t have to think about asking Jeanne and Frank to babysit. Not that they would mind, but she hoped that this was the first date of many, and she wanted to save up her favors.

“Perfect. I’ll pick you up in an unmarked car.” He laughed.

Vivian and Mitchel spoke for a few minutes, then Vivian went on her way. Mitchel headed to the shop, where a new, clean uniform awaited.

Vivian got in her car and checked the gas level. Enough to get her there and back. She put the car in drive and proceeded to the outlet shops. Cranking up the radio, she started singing along with Linda Ronstadt, as she belted out “When Will I Be Loved.”

Vivian found the shop where she had nicked the scarf for half of what it was worth. She confidently sauntered in and pulled another floral scarf from the rack. The price tag said $38.00.

She walked up to the counter and plunked down $40.00. As the cashier was putting the scarf in a bag, Vivian pulled out another twenty and slipped it on the counter where the clerk wouldn’t see it right away. The clerk handed her the bag without noticing the extra money sitting there. Vivian walked out of the store with a spring in her step. Mitchel isn’t the only one who can experience redemption. She smiled to herself. If the math added up, the store was ahead of the game, and Vivian was happier for it.

While everyone was at the hearing, Ellie was typing away on her computer. She was able to pull up traffic cams Copyright 2016 - 2024