No Strings__ - By Janelle Denison Page 0,52

pulled in a deep breath, and the lingering scent of Aiden filled her senses. Refusing to sit in her room for the rest of the morning wallowing in what could have been, she decided she needed to get out, to breathe fresh air and clear her head.

She took a quick shower, changed into a lightweight sundress and sandals, and headed down to the lobby, which was filled with guests going through the check-out process, and groups of people saying farewell to the friends they’d made. There was laughter and lively conversations, as well as many couples walking hand in hand, giving credence to the fact that love matches had been made, and would hopefully flourish even long after they left the St. Raphael resort.

Feeling a twinge of jealousy for those who were heading back home in love and with the promise of a bright, fresh future with someone they’d met, Chloe quickly made her way outside, where it was a beautiful, sunny, breezy day. She walked aimlessly along various pathways, inhaling the familiar fragrance of jasmine, until she realized she’d ended up at the island greenhouses. The flowers beckoned to her, and she didn’t hesitate to enter the glass enclosure.

Silence greeted Chloe, along with the perfumed scent of all the tropical flowers growing around her. She was immediately reminded of the first time she’d been in here, with Aiden, and when she caught sight of those fuchsia flowers that Hattie claimed to predict a couple’s compatibility, she slowly strolled over to those potted plants and lightly stroked one of the soft, velvety petals.

“Hi there,” a familiar female voice said from behind Chloe. “I wasn’t expecting anyone to stop by the greenhouse today, not with everyone leaving the island.”

Chloe turned around, and as soon as she met Hattie’s perceptive gaze, she realized why she’d come here...even if it had been subconsciously. Because she believed Hattie’s claim, that the possibility existed that she and Aiden could be soul mates—even if Aiden didn’t. Chloe felt the connection in her heart, and other places she’d thought she’d closed off after the way things ended with Neil.

“I was just taking a walk around the area and ended up here,” she said easily. “Did you have a busy week here in the greenhouse?”

“Actually, I did. A lot of matchmaking going on, that’s for sure,” she said with a throaty laugh, then she tipped her head, regarding Chloe a bit more speculatively. “Where is your man? The one so interested in my matchmaking skills, yet so skeptical about love, even when it’s right in front of him?”

There Hattie went again, spouting insight about a person. But as far as Aiden was concerned, Chloe had to admit the other woman’s intuition was pretty dead-on. “Aiden took the early morning flight out,” she said, keeping her reply simple, when it was anything but.

Hattie gently took Chloe’s hand between the two of hers, her deep brown eyes kind and tender. “He left you,” she said softly, knowingly.

“Yes,” Chloe whispered, hating the way her throat closed up with emotion.

“The man is a fool,” Hattie said with a scowl that made Chloe chuckle, before the older woman grew serious once again. “But he’s also been betrayed in the past and doesn’t trust easily. You’ve been hurt, too. But you, at least, are open to love again.”

Hattie’s statement was very matter-of-fact, and Chloe no longer questioned how the woman knew such things, especially since what she’d just said was dead-on—about both her and Aiden. It was true that the way things ended between her and Neil had left her guarded and more intent on exerting her time and energy on her career, rather than another man. After Neil had taken control of so many aspects of her life and decisions, she’d sworn she’d never give another man that much influence over her.

But with Aiden, there was no emotional power-play between them, just an equal give and take that had turned their flirtatious friendship into something much deeper and caring. This past week with Aiden had made her realize just how much she missed being in a real based on mutual respect, caring, great sex and the kind of faith that came in knowing that Aiden would never do anything to deliberately hurt her.

There was no question that her heart ached for Aiden and what he’d gone through with his ex-wife. They both had screwed-up pasts, things that had happened to each of them that kept them from letting someone close again. But Copyright 2016 - 2024