No Quarter - Kelli Jean Page 0,67

bed with me on top, his hands roamed down my back, cupping my ass and squeezing, before skimming their way back up. Thick and hard, he slid along my wet slit, paying no attention to it.

Instead, his eyes locked on mine, his face relaxed, sweet and grinning.

“What are you thinking about?” I asked softly, tracing fingertips over his smile.

He pressed a kiss to them. “You. I wanna do this face-to-face.”

Warmth filled my chest and spread throughout my body. Suddenly, I wanted that, too. But… “I would love that, Phil. I just think it might be more comfortable the first time if we…didn’t.”

“Yeah, I know,” he conceded. “Are you nervous?” His hands stroked down my back again.

“No. Excited.”

His eyes glowed with something I couldn’t define. Beneath my breasts, I felt his heart pounding harder and faster.

“Are you?” I asked.

He swallowed hard. “Yeah.”


“I don’t want to hurt you. If I could see your face, then maybe I wouldn’t…”

Divine inspiration—ha-ha…yeah, right—struck me. “What if we’re lying on our sides?”

“That could work,” he replied, his face brightening. “Let’s do that.”

“Okay.” Laughing, I slid off his chest.

Rolling until we were spooning, Phil cuddled up to me, tucking his forearm beneath my head and rising up on his elbow. Reaching across me, he picked up the lube tube and held it in front of us, reading it, before stowing it behind his back.

“You really wanna do this?”

I busted out laughing. “You were the one demanding my last virgin hole, telling me you were going to violate my ass. Are you pussying out now?”

“No.” He dropped featherlight kisses on my shoulder. “I’m just worried. What if I really hurt you, or—”

“I’ll tell you if you do.”

Rolling back, he grabbed the lube and snapped open the cap. “Right.”

Glancing over my shoulder, I watched him shake several drops out onto his cock before closing it back up and tossing it in front of me.

“Might need more. Best to keep it handy,” he explained.

Rising up on my elbow, I was captivated by the sight of his huge hand wrapping around the thick length of him, pumping slowly, spreading the Slide ’n’ Glide all over.

“Ooo, this stuff is nice,” he said, giving me a wiggling eyebrow and grin.

“You’re killing the mood.”

“Pfft. As if. You’re always so hot for me. There’s no way to kill that torch you got burnin’.”

I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing, but then he turned back to me, his gaze catching mine.


I nodded. “You?”

“Yeah. I promise to go real slow, okay?”

“I know you will,” I whispered, easing back onto the pillows.

Phil guided himself, sliding through my crack with that fat head of his until it touched my rear entrance. He didn’t press in but rubbed himself back and forth, back and forth, slowly applying just a little bit more pressure each time. At the first touch, my body tensed, but gradually, I relaxed, eventually enjoying the bizarre massaging of my asshole.

It wasn’t long before the tingles started and spread to the front, making my cunt swell and prickle with a delicious rush of blood. It felt good, really good. Heat waves were pulsing through it, and a trickle of moisture oozed out and worked through the folds. My nipples tightened, and my tits grew heavy.

“Phil…” I groaned.

“Yeah, Baby Girl,” he whispered. He ceased the rubbing and gently pressed home. The tight ring of muscle, well lubricated and softened from the massaging, opened to him, sucking in the head of him.

“Oh, fuck,” he whispered. He pushed a little farther and then removed his hand from himself, wiping it on the bedspread, before reaching up to cradle and turn my face. “Look at me.”

I hadn’t even realized that I had closed my eyes. Opening them, his beloved face filled my vision. His eyes shone with love and passion and worry and fear and desire. He kissed me, and my lips parted eagerly, my tongue pushing forward to touch his, meeting somewhere in the middle. His taste, his scent, his breath filled me.

Forcing myself to relax more, a part of my brain focused on the odd sensations created by his blunt intrusion. My asshole both burned fiercely and tingled pleasantly. My body had no clue as to what to do with the conflicting sensory information it was receiving.

Phil held himself completely still, letting me adjust until only the tingly pleasantness remained.

“More,” I murmured against his lips, pushing back slightly.

He sucked in a swift breath. “Don’t…”

Agonizingly slow, each nudge forward forced me open. He rested, and I relaxed, Copyright 2016 - 2024