No Matter What (The Billionaires of Sawgrass #4) - Delaney Cameron Page 0,70

that would make this complicated, and that’s if you still have feelings for Wade.”

His last comment was the easiest to deal with. “Whatever I felt for Wade, and it definitely wasn’t love, is long gone.”

“Then there’s no harm in us finding out if what happened just now was a fluke or an indication of something real.”

Reece missed his calling. He should have been an attorney. “Wouldn’t that be kicking the can that represents your family down the road?”

“For the time being, yes. At the moment, there’s nothing much to tell anyone, and only two people could potentially have a problem with it. One of them is currently out of the country, and the other would be the last person to stand in the way of anyone’s happiness.”

What he said made sense, but Robin’s dislike of making waves or creating conflict made it difficult for her to view the situation as casually as Reece. She also didn’t like the idea of appearing to have dropped Wade to go after the bigger fish in the family. “Maybe I care too much about what people think.”

“And I probably care too little. That doesn’t mean I don’t understand where you’re coming from, or that I’m trying to sweep your concerns under the rug. I truly believe the awkwardness of meeting my family will be temporary. I’m not saying they’ll forget that you dated Wade, but it won’t matter. Sometimes things seem more important in our own mind than they do in everyone else’s.”

His last point was particularly hard to refute. Robin did have a tendency to make mountains out of molehills. Case in point was the weeks she’d spent worrying about how her fear of boats would affect her relationship with Wade. In the end, it didn’t have anything to do with why they parted ways.

“You came prepared, didn’t you?” she asked.

“I had a feeling the subject would come up, but it’s nothing we can’t handle together.”

His words weren’t without effect. Reece wasn’t expecting her to face this alone. He had her back. More than that, he’d be with her, lending support just as he’d done from the beginning.

She’d run out of arguments and motivation. If she turned him down, she’d be going against the wishes of her heart. And for what? Because she didn’t want to face Wade and his mother? The price was too high.

“I’m curious about something,” she said. “Does anyone ever refuse you?”

His eyes crinkled at the corners in that way she liked.

“Lots of people. If it helps in making your decision, I have Owen’s blessing. When you left us to get water, he asked if I was your boyfriend. I told him not yet, but that I’d like to be. I asked him if that was something he’d be okay with, and he said yes.”

She couldn’t help smiling. “You covered all the bases. I almost have to agree, don’t I?’

“I’m hoping so. Owen was my ace in the hole.” With his free hand, he reached up to caress the side of her cheek. “You won’t regret this, Robin. I promise you that.”

His confidence was as addictive as his smile. “I guess it’s official then.”

“It will be after I take care of something.”

That something turned out to be another kiss. If he was trying to prove that the first one hadn’t been a fluke, he was going about it the right way. Reece had turned kissing into an art form, easily drawing her into a world that only had room for two. His lips demanded a response she was powerless to withhold. His movements were neither tentative nor overwhelming, but in the sweet spot that left her with a new appreciation for the power of touch. She was breathless and shamelessly hanging on for dear life when he let her go.

Chapter Twenty

When Robin woke the next morning, any doubts she had about yesterday being real and not a dream were settled when she noticed the plate and two cups sitting on the dresser. There was proof that she and Kait had sat up half the night talking.

The door to her room swung open with enough force to rattle the windows. Owen ran in and flung himself on the bed. Right behind him was Baxter. “Aunt Robin! Breakfast is ready! Aunt Kait made bacon and waffles.”

She kissed the top of his head. “I better get up then.”

“There’s something else, too, but I can’t tell. Aunt Kait made me promise.”

Robin reached for her robe. “Now you’ve got me curious.”

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