No Matter What (The Billionaires of Sawgrass #4) - Delaney Cameron Page 0,58

not upset,” he assured her. “It’s a free country. You’re allowed to visit a local business establishment. Were you able to satisfy your curiosity?”

“Eventually. There were several people in line ahead of me. By the time it was my turn, I’d figured out that the girl behind the counter was named Kait. They were giving out free samples of raspberry tart. You know I’m not given to exaggeration, Reece, but it was by far the best I’ve ever had. Kait said it’s the mascarpone cheese, squeeze of lemon and vanilla bean that make the difference. I have to agree with her. I’ll definitely be altering my recipe.”

“I gather it was worth making the trip just for that,” he said, laughing.

She sighed. “You can be very trying sometimes, not to mention impertinent.”

“I apologize for thinking this conversation was about Robin and not the best way to make raspberry tart.”

“There’s nothing wrong with killing two birds with one well-placed stone. I probably should have mentioned this sooner, but I didn’t tell anyone at Truly Scrumptious about my connection to you. That should provide you with some measure of relief. As you’ve probably guessed by now, Robin returned while I was there. She’d been setting up a cake for a reception at some museum. Seems like an odd place to get married, but I won’t try your patience with my opinion on people’s choice of wedding venues.

“I expected Robin to be beautiful, and she didn’t disappoint. But I doubt that’s what made you fall so hard and fast. There’s a genuine sweetness in her countenance that is very rare these days. It shines out of her eyes and is evident in her voice. You can tell at a glance that she isn’t fake or phony. From what you’ve told me, she hasn’t let a difficult childhood quench her spirit or keep her from accomplishing her goals. Such qualities would have been wasted on Wade. He doesn’t possess the sensitivity to appreciate them. Even if I didn’t know how you felt about her, I would be glad things didn’t work out between them. She deserves better.”

“You approve my choice, then?”

She laughed softly. “You don’t need my approval.”

“That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like to have it. I call you aunt, but you’re so much more than that.”

“As you are to me. That’s not an excuse for my behavior yesterday, but it does speak to my motivation.”

“Your motivations have never been a secret, and they’re appreciated more than I can say.”

She cleared her throat. “Yes, well, I better let you go. I need to get some work in while the light is good in my studio.”

Aunt Leigh had never indulged in what she called an ‘excess of emotion.’ His father was like that, too. That didn’t mean they didn’t feel things deeply. “How’s the sculpture of Wilson coming along?”

There was a pregnant pause. “Have you been snooping around?”

He laughed. “I didn’t need to. I happen to know you as well as you know me.”

“It doesn’t mean what you think. Wilson has an interesting face. It presents me with a unique challenge.”

“That’ll do for starters.”

“Like I said before. Extremely impertinent. Call me later. I want to know how the tour goes.”

“Will do.”

* * * * *

“Aunt Robin!” Owen called out as he bolted through the half open door of her bedroom, Baxter at his heels. “Aren’t you ready yet? We’re going to be late.”

Owen was more than a little excited about the trip to Diamond Jet. He’d been talking nonstop about it since Robin gave him the news yesterday.

She scooped up Baxter before he could disappear under the bed. “We won’t be late. You need to walk this little guy, and then put him in his kennel. Be sure to latch the door. We don’t want him to get out and chew up Aunt Kait’s flip flops again.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said, taking the puppy from her.

Robin wasn’t left alone very long. Owen was replaced by Kait.

“Excited about the jazz festival?” Robin asked as she walked over to the dresser.

“It’s not really my thing, but Miles doesn’t complain about going shopping with me. Are you looking forward to your afternoon with Reece?”

Robin ignored the emphasis on the word ‘your’. “It’ll be interesting to get a firsthand look at a charter service company.”

“Is that the only reason?”

“I’m also happy for Owen. Today is really for him, you know.”

“Then perhaps you wouldn’t mind telling me why you’ve changed clothes three times.”

Robin met Kait’s amused glance in the mirror. “There’s nothing Copyright 2016 - 2024