No Matter What (The Billionaires of Sawgrass #4) - Delaney Cameron Page 0,32

story. That’s not the case anymore. I’ve had the opportunity to get to know you, and I’m not too proud to admit I misjudged you.”

In Reece’s experience, most people only owned up to their mistakes when forced, and some refused to do it even then. Robin was doing it voluntarily. “So what you’re saying is, you didn’t like me before, but you do now. Thanks for telling me. I’ll sleep a lot better tonight.”

Her lips twitched. “As Owen would say, that’s a whopper. It’s my belief you don’t care what anyone thinks. You live life by your own rules. You don’t allow yourself to be swayed or drawn off track by the thoughts and opinions of people unconnected to you.”

“For the most part, that’s true. From the time I graduated from high school, my actions have been open to any and all interpretations. My errors in judgment have been blown out of proportion, and things I’ve said have been taken out of context and used against me. Former friends have sold me out. Trying to set the record straight got old. It was nothing but a waste of time and energy. People think and believe what they want.”

“That’s more or less how Kait rolls, too. I, on the other hand, am something of a people pleaser. I don’t like to disappoint anyone. Sometimes that gets me in trouble.”

He wondered if her desire to be everything to everyone was a result of being raised in foster care. It couldn’t have been easy growing up without anyone to call her own. So much of a child’s identity comes from having a strong, supportive family.

“We strayed from our original subject,” he said. “The reason I mentioned Sylvie is because one of her brothers owns rental properties all over Jacksonville. If you want, I can talk to Harvey and see if he has anything in the Ponte Vedra area.”

“That would be awesome, Reece. I appreciate it.”

Before he could assure her it was no trouble, Wade loomed up behind her.

“Someone told me Reece was hitting on a girl. I didn’t realize it was my girl. Sorry, dude. Try your luck elsewhere. Robin is taken.”

Under his stepbrother’s pasted-on social smile, Reece recognized all the signs of a jealous boyfriend. “No one knows that better than me, man. I see one of my dad’s old golfing buddies. I should probably go say hello. I’ll catch up with you guys later.”

* * * * *

In stunned silence, Robin watched Reece disappear into the crowd. She couldn’t believe what just happened. Had Wade lost his mind? “What was that about?” she asked him in a low voice.

He straightened his tie. “I don’t know what you mean.”

“Yes, you do, Wade. You accused Reece of hitting on me.”

His laugh had an edge to it. “Isn’t that what he was doing?”

“He was making conversation. You know, that polite thing people do at social occasions such as this.”

“Polite conversation doesn’t last fifteen minutes. What were you talking about for so long?”

“Nothing earth-shattering. He complimented my dress. I mentioned the decorations. He asked about Owen. I told him…”

“Wait a minute,” Wade cut in. “How does Reece know about Owen?”

“We ran into him at the beach weekend before last. Kait, Owen, and I,” she clarified so as not to be misunderstood.

“You never told me that.”

Robin laughed shortly. “Whose fault is that? I only heard from you a few times during the two weeks you were in the Keys.”

He bit his lip. “Point taken. I should’ve called more.”

“This isn’t about how many times you called. It’s about what you said to Reece just now. Have you forgotten why he’s here? I’m sure there are other things he could be doing with his money instead of helping fund your research.”

“Reece knows I didn’t mean it. He’s had worse things than that said to him.”

“That doesn’t make it okay for you to say them. This isn’t like you, Wade.”

He tugged at his collar, looking strikingly similar to Owen when caught doing something wrong. “I know. Something inside me snapped when I saw you with Reece. You were looking at each other as if you were the only two in the room. All I could think about was how I was stuck with a bunch of boring strangers while he was getting to spend time with you.” He reached for her hand. “I’m sorry, Robin. I didn’t mean to upset you. Can you forgive me?”

“Of course, and I’m sure Reece will, too, when you apologize to him.”

He smiled faintly. Copyright 2016 - 2024