No Matter What (The Billionaires of Sawgrass #4) - Delaney Cameron Page 0,19

much as he wanted to agree, he couldn’t deny the results of his own observation. “I spent several hours with them last weekend. I didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary.”

“It’s not something you can see with your eyes. It’s a feeling that comes from my impressions of them as people. Robin is energetic and bubbly. She’s always thinking of others. Her job is an extension of that. She loves creating things that make her customers happy. Wade is a man on a mission. He’s all about making his mark on the scientific world. His work defines him. I would even go so far as to say it consumes him. Maybe I’m wrong, but I feel like his wife and kids would always be secondary. A woman needs to know she comes first. It’s the key to her happiness.”

Reece wished Sylvie would talk about something else. He didn’t want to think about the ripple effect of Robin becoming Wade’s wife. It would be impossible to avoid contact with her. If he couldn’t get his feelings about her under control, this could be a long term complication.

“I’m consumed with my job. I guess that means I won’t make a good husband, either.”

“You’re not consumed. You’re dedicated. There’s a difference. Excuse the analogy, but you’re like a plane in a holding pattern. You’re sort of…biding your time, waiting to land. When the right woman comes along, she’ll become the most important thing in your life.”

Sylvie wasn’t wrong. Reece would willingly make room in his life for someone. Unfortunately, the one he thought was right for the part was already taken.

Chapter Seven

Tears filled Robin’s eyes as she turned into the driveway of Piper and Daniel’s house. Her blurred gaze passed over the swing hanging from the tree in the front yard, the flowers blooming in the window boxes and the welcome wreath on the door. It all looked so normal. There was nothing to indicate how irrevocably everything had changed. It was like enjoying a beautiful view and then realizing it’s just a façade.

Daniel’s sister must have been watching for her arrival. The front door opened as Robin emerged from the car. She felt the weight of Barb’s unblinking stare as she followed the sidewalk leading to the door. When she mounted the steps of the portico, she forced a cordial smile to her lips.

“Hello. I’m Robin Parker.”

“I’m Barb,” she said, stepping aside so Robin could come in. “My husband took Owen to the park so we could talk.”

Robin was glad Owen wasn’t around. If the vibes she was picking up were any indication, this wasn’t going to be a pleasant conversation.

Barb led the way to the living room. Robin avoided looking at anything except the figure in front of her. The goal was to avoid getting emotional. The best way to handle confrontation is to stay composed.

Her companion sat down in Daniel’s recliner. Robin opted for the couch.

“I’ll get right to the point,” Barb said. “My husband and I should be the ones taking care of Owen. A child’s place is with his family. Surely you must see that.”

Robin wasn’t going to debate a decision that had already been made. “Piper and Daniel thought otherwise. It’s not for you or me to second guess them. I love Owen. I’ve been involved in his life from the beginning. He knows me, and he’s comfortable with me. I think that will be of great benefit in helping him deal with what’s happened.”

Barb’s thin lips formed a straight line. “It isn’t our fault we weren’t allowed around Owen. That was Piper’s doing. She didn’t like me or anyone else in the family. She made it her business to turn Daniel against us. Naming you as Owen’s guardian was her way of making sure it stayed that way.”

Robin knew there was more to it than that. Daniel’s problems with his family pre-dated Piper. More than once he’d described them as manipulative and controlling. “Whatever happened between you and Daniel has nothing to do with me. I was asked to be Owen’s guardian, and I agreed. I have no intention of going back on my word.”

This remark produced a sour smile. “I understand you’re not married. Have you considered the impact a child this age is going to have on your social life? Not only will you be a single parent, but you’ll have the added complication of Owen not being related to you. Most men don’t want a ready-made family.”

Robin had to give the woman credit. Copyright 2016 - 2024