No Matter What (The Billionaires of Sawgrass #4) - Delaney Cameron Page 0,16

have any idea why you fainted?”

Reece felt Robin stiffen just before her eyes briefly met his. There was no mistaking the pleading expression in them. She didn’t want him to tell Wade. He had no intention of doing so. This was between the two of them.

“I think it was lack of food. I didn’t eat much yesterday.”

Wade nodded. “That could have been it.”

Reece ascended the steps of the veranda and lowered Robin down on one of the chaise lounges. His part in the scene was over. Wade could take it from here. “I’ll go see if I can hurry breakfast along.”

As he turned to go, Robin put her hand on his arm. “Thanks for the lift, Reece.”

Liquid fire raced underneath the surface of his skin. This was getting beyond annoying and was now bordering on absurd. Summoning a smile, he said, “No problem.”

Inside the house, he checked in with Jeanette. She told him breakfast would be on the table in ten minutes. Instead of returning to the veranda, Reece went in search of his father. He found him on the treadmill in the exercise room.

“Nice boat, Dad. Planning a trip around the world?”

“Maybe,” his father admitted with a grin. “Maxine loves being on the water. I have to admit it’s growing on me as well. Feel like a round of golf later? One of the men in my foursome can’t make it today.”

Reece considered golf to be a nice walk wasted, but spending a few hours away from the house was probably a good idea. Every time he looked at Robin, he’d remember how it felt to hold her in his arms. Her silky hair had tickled his chin in much the same way her perfume had teased his senses. While he had no regrets about the incident, there was no doubt that putting the last twelve hours behind him just went from problematic to extremely challenging.

* * * * *

To Robin’s relief, the rest of the household accepted Wade’s explanation for why she passed out. A timely remark by Reece about a recent baseball game he’d watched sent the conversation at the breakfast table in a safer direction. For the third time in less than twenty-four hours, she had a reason to be grateful to him. It wasn’t the most comfortable position to be in. No one likes to feel indebted to someone they don’t care for.

After the meal, Maxine offered to give Robin a tour of the house. Wade tagged along, but it was obvious he didn’t find either the history or the furnishings of his mother’s home interesting. A call from his assistant gave him a reason to bail, and he took it. At first Robin was nervous about being left alone with Maxine, but that didn’t last once the two women discovered a mutual love of antiques.

When they returned to the main floor, it was to find Reece and his father on the point of leaving to play a round of golf. Robin wasn’t sorry to see one of them go. The morning’s events had left her confused about Reece. Instead of making fun of her fear, he’d tried to put her at ease. When he had the opportunity to rat her out, he’d remained silent. But what really stuck in her mind was how quickly and accurately he’d picked up on something Wade had failed to notice.

Later that evening when she related the highlights of the Savannah trip to Kait, she left out the embarrassing incident on the dock. That decision wasn’t solely to escape the inevitable ‘I told you so’. Robin also wanted to avoid discussing Reece’s role in it. Wasn’t there a saying about ‘least said, soonest mended’?

Chapter Six

It had been an unusually busy Friday afternoon at Truly Scrumptious, something Robin attributed to the upcoming Easter holiday. She was in the kitchen piping lemon ricotta frosting onto carrot cake cupcakes when Kait stepped through the door.

“There’s a phone call for you. It’s an attorney’s office. The secretary said it’s urgent.”

Robin straightened. “What could possibly be urgent?”

“Maybe someone left you a fortune.” Kait held out her hand. “Give me that icing. I’ll finish the cupcakes. Go see what they want. You hear stories about long lost relatives being found all the time. Wouldn’t it be cool if you turned out to be the granddaughter of someone famous?”

Robin laughed as she surrendered the pastry bag and walked over to the sink to wash her hands. “It would depend on who they are.”

Kait snorted. “You have Copyright 2016 - 2024