No Greater Love - Eris Field Page 0,12

she said, moving closer so that her shoulder touched his. Why was she so stunned? She had known that they were going to a cancer hospital. What had she expected? “I worked here right after I graduated.” Her thoughts were swirling as they walked slowly down the long hall. Why had he come to Buffalo? There were excellent Leukemia Centers in the Netherlands. What had made him travel so far? She slipped off her raincoat and moved between him and the door with ‘Leukemia Care Center’ written in bold print.

“Carl told me that you had tests scheduled for all day.” She spoke quickly, uncertain of how he would respond to her suggestion. “You’ll be moving from room to room. Perhaps you’d like to have me keep your wallet and passport for you?”

“You don’t have to wait around.” Pieter’s mouth drew into a thin line of disapproval.

“I’m staying. Carl would have stayed if he’d been able to come. I’m staying for him,” she said flatly.

Without speaking, Pieter slid a hand into his jacket pocket and handed her his wallet and passport. He waited silently as she slipped them into the pocket of the short black jacket that just covered the waistband of her black pants and then asked, “Would you keep my watch, too, please?” He would have no need to know the time once he went through the door. Everything would be out of his control but Janan would be the keeper of time for him.

He watched as she stabbed impatiently at the holes in order to adjust the strap around her wrist. “Let me help you. Those openings have never been used. They are probably tight.” He held her wrist with one hand and, with the fingers of his other hand eased the prong into the opening and then, using just enough pressure, drove it home.

Janan felt his long cool fingers on her wrist and trembled despite herself. “Thank you.” She turned and put her hand beside his as he pushed the door open.

A tall, lean man with close-cropped brown hair, eyes the color of black coffee, and a face that bore the stamp of a desert heritage hurried forward. “Pieter!” He threw both arms around him. “I haven’t seen you in years.” He laughed as he patted Pieter’s back. “Remember Dallas?”

Pieter smiled back at him. “How could I forget? We delivered babies around the clock for three of the hottest months I’ve ever known.”

“Best internship rotation I had,” the man said cheerfully.

“I was dead tired all the time but I loved it.” Pieter smiled and then turned to Janan. “This is my friend, Alan Al-Bayati.” He gestured to her. “This is Janan Coers. She’s Carl Ahern’s honorary niece and he has designated her as my driver.”

Alan chuckled as he shook her hand. “Carl Ahern? How is he? I did a community clinical rotation with him. Wonderful teacher.” He turned back to Pieter. “I’ve arranged everything as you requested but I should warn you, it is going to be a hell of a day for you.” He glanced at Janan and said gently, “It’s going to take time.”

“I’m staying,” she said firmly.

Pieter nodded and followed his friend to the door marked Examining Room 1 where they paused of one accord to watch the subtle sway of Janan’s small, firm hips below the short black jacket as she walked down the hall.

“Hmm,” Alan murmured approvingly, and Pieter’s shoulders straightened as he said, “Ready when you are.”

Janan checked Pieter’s watch again, remembering the feeling of his cool fingers as he fastened it for her. For a moment she was lost in the memory of his arms holding her close as they lay in the snow. She began to pace the length of the now-empty waiting room. For three hours she had shared the heavy feeling of fear of the other people waiting for their loved ones to re-appear at the door, but now she was alone. She slid her hand into her pocket again to feel the reassuring presence of Pieter’s wallet and then, suddenly, he was walking through the door and she felt alive again.

“They said that we’ll resume after lunch.” He scanned her face and then said awkwardly, “There must be a cafeteria or coffee shop.” His face was strained and drained of color but he added politely, “We can look for one if you like?”

“I brought a light lunch.” Janan took his arm. “I know a place that’ll be more comfortable than the coffee shop.” She led him Copyright 2016 - 2024