No Good Mitchell - Riley Hart Page 0,45

It can be the familiar taste and packaging people have known and loved for a hundred years, and then we have…hmm…The City Boy? Start small, with one new bottle, new recipe, different grain, and test the waters.”

He was a fucking genius. Outside of loving him like a brother, there was a reason I needed Isaac by my side. “I’m liking this. It’s going to cost more, though. I don’t know if it’s in the budget Harris set aside for reopening, but I’d be willing to front the cost. I mean, we need to figure out what in the fuck we’d even do. I know jack shit about whiskey recipes, but Brody might have some ideas, and we can hire someone.”

“Let me do some research, and you talk to your boy.”

I let the “your boy” comment go. Brody had been invaluable to us, answering questions, giving us names and data we wouldn’t know without him. It was a risk for him, one I didn’t take lightly. His family was close, and I knew Big Daddy, Lee, and Dwain would see it as a betrayal if they knew he was working with…and sucking off…the enemy.

“Did you put together those marketing reports I asked you to get for the O’Ralleys? And I was trying to think of a way we can help without them knowing we’re helping…silent donation? Secret Angel Investment? If Big Daddy knew it was us, he’d lose his shit, but…” But I knew that while money wasn’t a problem for me—I had what Harris left and my own cash, which wasn’t chump change—it was a problem for the O’Ralleys.

“Holy shit. You really like this guy, don’t you?”

How could I not? He was sexy as fuck, honorable, funny, matched me with wit, spent his days working with his family and his evenings helping me and trading blowjobs. It was rare that a day went by where I didn’t see him. Yeah, I liked him. “So? I like you too.”

“Yeah, but my dick has never been in your throat,” Isaac countered.

“We’re friends who like to get each other off. That’s it.”

“Whatever you say, and yeah, I compiled all the marketing material. It’s in a folder on your desk. How does he explain to his dad these new random ideas?”

“I have no fucking clue. And thanks.” I let my chair roll over to Isaac’s desk. “I want you to know how much I appreciate you. You’ve uprooted your life to move across the country with me to run a fucking distillery. I…”

He shrugged. “You’re my brother, my family. Like I said, where else would I be?”

“Still…I, um…wanted to talk to you about meeting up with Byron and maybe see what we can do about making this a fifty/fifty thing. If you want, that is.” I knew what it was like to put your heart and soul into a business only to have the rug pulled out from under you. Isaac did as well, and while I knew he would never think I’d do that to him, I wanted this to be ours.

“Wow…I… You don’t have to do that.”

“I want to.”

“Are you sure you’re not in love with me instead of Brody?” he teased.

“Fuck off. You’re my family, he’s my…” I didn’t know what in the fuck he was, so I let it go. “Just something to think about, okay? You know I’ll take care of you no matter what.”

He leaned in and kissed my cheek. “I know, Cozies.” Isaac stood and stretched. “And on that note, I’m going to demand a night off.”

“You going to see Lauren?” Isaac was much more of a social butterfly than I was. Where I chatted some with Lauren and Rusty occasionally, he and Lauren were now text buddies, and he went to the Barn to have a drink and hang out with her every once in a while.

“Nope,” he replied. “I’m going to shower, and then I’m going to…out.”

I frowned. “You’re going to out? But not with Lauren?” This wasn’t the first time he’d taken off, but usually he said he’d be with her. I didn’t always ask, though.

“Yes. I’m in demand. Who would have thought there’d be so much dick around here? My app has been going crazy.”

“What am I supposed to do?” I joked.

“You could hang out with Lauren, ya know? She was asking about you. If not, call your boy. Use the folder as an excuse.”

And again, I ignored him. “Do you need my car?”

“Yep. And we really need to figure something out so Copyright 2016 - 2024