Nixon (Raleigh Raptors #1) - Samantha Whiskey Page 0,61

near a furniture vender off the entrance, and I wrapped her in a quick hug.

“Nix,” Roman said, quickly trailing her. “Hey, Liberty.” He flashed me a smile, stopping a healthy distance away from Teagan, his hands casually in his pockets.

“Hey,” I said, glancing up at Nixon. “You roped them into this too?”

“I may have hijacked your date,” Teagan answered for him. “I love this market, and Rick never wants to go. Plus, Roman is on the hunt for a new art piece for his house. We won’t cramp your love-fest though, promise!”

I laughed, waving her off. “No, this is perfect! I’m so glad you’re here.” And I meant that. I missed Heather even though we texted every day and saw each other in class. Teagan had become a close friend since entering Nixon’s circle, and I was beyond grateful for her.

“Someone say love-fest?” Hendrix Malone strolled through the entrance, his blond hair glistening in various shades of gold from the sun. God it was like the Raptors came with their own personal filter. “Cause I’ve only just arrived,” he teased, and Nixon rolled his eyes. The trio did an array of fist bumps by way of greeting.

“You looking for a new mattress, Hendrix?” Roman joked.

Hendrix furrowed his brow.

“Because you burn through them so quickly,” Roman said.

I bit back a laugh, but Nixon high-fived Roman.

Hendrix pursed his lips. “Not a lie, man. Is that a crime? I love women. They love me. We have a good time. I’m just full of love.”

“Yeah, you’re full of something all right.” Roman laughed, and then they proceeded to get into some sort of playful wrestling match that eventually Nixon joined in on.

It made him look ten times younger and less burdened than the normal weight he carried around with him on a daily basis. I had mad love for these two men who meant so much to Nixon and helped bring him out of himself. Quality of life was directly tied to having the right people and positive influences around you as much as possible. Not a bad family to have been folded into.

I looped arms with Teagan as we made our way down the rows and rows of vendors, content to let the boys do their bro thing as they trailed behind us. The market was endless and a bit crowded, but I relished the lack of paparazzi on the grounds. I didn’t know if they had an agreement with the owners or what, but I found myself so much more relaxed than on previous dates Nixon and I had gone on before that were a constant glance-over-the-shoulder situation.

Nixon, Roman, and Hendrix were all incredibly gracious when a fan spotted them and asked them for a selfie or quick autograph, and when the fans asked for all three of them to stand together? God, I think anyone could get pregnant from the sight. The Raptors were in no shortage of gorgeous players, and yet, Roman and Hendrix were genuinely good guys—even with Hendrix’s playboy status. He was kind, thoughtful, funny, and didn’t flinch at his Lothario reputation. No, he owned it to the nth degree with an explanation of the pleasure that came from multiple consenting partners and the fact that not everyone was made to settle down and fall in love.

I’d seen his type plenty of times, but never someone so at ease in his own skin. Not a scrap of insecurity on that one, but I did find myself wondering what would happen when the love bomb hit him so hard he couldn’t see straight. It would be hilarious as hell to watch and even more fascinating to analyze, not that I’d ever accept him as a patient due to the massive conflict of interest.

I shook my head, trying to use the physical action to get myself out of my own brain for a second. I had no right to be analyzing Hendrix’s confident personality when it came to matters of the heart, not when I couldn’t even bring myself to admit my true feelings for Nixon—and the true as hell fears that came along with them.

Smoothing my hand over my belly, I shoved down the doubts about our relationship and tried to throw myself one hundred percent into the beautiful day he’d planned for me. Such a rare thing, to have a day without practice or a game or me working. What would that be like when we brought a baby into the mix?

Nope. Not going there. Not now.

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