The Ninth Inning (The Boys of Baseball #1) - J. Sterling Page 0,99

have you by my side. I need you both in my life. But I need you more,” he said before leaning down to kiss me.

There was no hesitation, no pulling back, and no games. I wouldn’t pretend like this wasn’t the outcome I had always wanted. That, when our story ended, I’d be the one by his side. So, when he moved to kiss me, I didn’t only allow it; I also threw myself into it, making sure he knew that I was still his. And I always would be.

He pulled away, my face in his hand. “I came over here to apologize to you before it was too late. I’m so sorry for yesterday. I was an idiot. And I know it probably won’t be the last time I act like one, but do you think you can forgive me?”

“I thought I just did.” I smirked, and he growled.

“Say it out loud. I was just so hurt. I wanted to punish you. It wasn’t fair, but it’s what I did. Forgive me, and I’ll leave and go talk to the scouts like a good boy.” He gave me a sexy-as-sin grin that he knew I wouldn’t be able to resist. Not that I wanted to. Ever.

“Of course I forgive you.” I pressed up on my tiptoes and planted another chaste kiss on his lips. “Do you forgive me?”

“For what?” His eyes pulled together.

“For letting you go without a fight. I won’t make that mistake again,” I said, my tone resolute.

“There’s nothing to forgive.” He sounded so reassuring. “Okay, I really do need to go.”


He ran out the door but not before telling me he loved me. It slammed shut, and I stood there with a dopey grin on my face as it reopened, and he poked his head back through.

“You have to come with me.” He waved, trying to call me over.

“What? No, I’m not coming with you,” I started to argue, but he was in the apartment, reaching for my hand and pulling me toward the door as I struggled against him.

“I will pick you up and throw you over my shoulder,” he threatened.

“I don’t want to go. Why are you making me go with you?” I tried to resist, but it was no use. He was way too strong.

“I want you to meet my dad.”

“Oh,” I said as I suddenly stopped fighting him, and we practically flew out the door. “Bye, Lauren,” I shouted and heard her laughing hysterically as my nerves took over.

He wants me to meet his dad?!

The Draft


I’d gotten really nervous when the game ended and I saw that Christina had left. I thought that I’d blown it, totally fucked things up between us forever. That was why I raced over to her place and asked her to forgive me before I did anything else. I apologized to the scouts for asking them to wait around for me. I knew that it was unprofessional, but I’d reassured them that there was something I really needed to do that couldn’t wait. If I lost Christina, I wouldn’t have ever fully recovered from it.

I had been so desperate to make things right and so fucking relieved when I realized that nothing was wrong. The scouts didn’t seem too pissed about my leaving. Coach Jackson, on the other hand, had looked like he wanted to strangle me with both hands.

After showering and getting dressed, I headed out of the locker room to find Christina and my Dad looking like they were scheming. They were basically huddled together and whispering right until the moment I walked up next to them.

“What?” Christina asked all innocently.

“Not sure what you two are up to, but it doesn’t look good,” I said before wrapping my arm around her and tucking her up against me.

“Don’t you worry about what we’re up to,” my dad said before wrapping his arm around Christina’s other side.

I stopped walking. “What the hell?”

“I’m just playing,” my dad said, and Christina couldn’t stop laughing.

That was how things went with them from that moment on. They sat next to each other at the rest of my games. Lauren too. I convinced myself that my dad was there to actually watch me play ball and not spend quality time with my girlfriend, but I wasn’t so sure which one he liked doing more. Not that it mattered. Every time I looked up and saw the two of them together, my heart fucking beat against my chest a little harder.

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