The Ninth Inning (The Boys of Baseball #1) - J. Sterling Page 0,95

inability to be an unselfish parent. You were the perfect kid, and I mean that. I couldn’t ask for a better son. I could have asked for a better mother for him though, and I’m sorry I failed you on that front.”

I cocked my head back and huffed, “You’re a great dad. You’ve never failed me.”

“Good. Then, you’ll think I’m smart and listen to everything I tell you,” he said with a grin, and I let out a small laugh. “Your girl, Christina, did not abandon you. She only walked away because you’d asked her to. And she stayed away because she thought she’d ruined things forever. Imagine how she must have felt, thinking she was the reason you guys broke up. She had to be beating herself up the whole time you were apart. And the second she learned the truth and had the ammunition to win you back, she ran straight to you. And you ran straight here.” He frowned before taking a bite of fish.

“I’m an idiot,” I said with a sigh.

“You’re not an idiot. You’re just hurting. But don’t punish this poor girl because you never got the chance to punish your mom.”

“Shit, Dad. That was brutal.” But is it true? Am I punishing her for what my mom did to me as a kid? I hated that he might be right.

“Truth hurts.” He took a swig of beer as I finished up the rest of my plate. “But you need to go forgive that girl. And apologize for being an ass. You’ll regret it if you don’t. I can see it in your eyes.” He pointed his bottle at me.

I knew he was right. I was already regretting walking away from her earlier without reassuring her that we’d be okay. But I hadn’t known it at the time. I’d needed the kind of clarity that could only come after a talk with my old man. I’d needed to come here first.

“I can’t believe I’m back in this position,” I said as I swallowed my last bite.

“And what position is that?” my dad asked, his tone bordering on smart-ass.

I barked out a laugh. “The one where I’m asking for her forgiveness again. She’s going to get tired of my apologies.”

“Well, you’d better come up with a plan then. Don’t just show up at her place half-cocked later, like some late-night booty call. Isn’t that what you kids call it these days?”

“Please, don’t ever say booty call again,” I groaned. “And no, by the way. We don’t say that.”

I had sort of planned on driving over to Christina’s apartment after I left here, but when I looked at the clock on the wall, I realized that my dad might be right. It would be pretty late by the time I got back to Fullton, and I had a game tomorrow.

As much as I wanted to make things right, I needed my rest. The season was almost over, and I couldn’t afford to do anything that might mess with my chances to get drafted. My apology would have to wait until tomorrow.

“We’ll come up with a foolproof plan after your game tomorrow.”

I perked up. “Wait, you’re coming?” I loved having him at my games and was honestly bummed out whenever he couldn’t make it.

“You bet your ass I am.” He slapped his bottle of beer on the table, and it wobbled before falling over. He quickly reached for it and stood it back upright. “We’ll go get your girl back right after I slash Logan’s tires, pull the spark plugs, unplug the battery, and maybe stick a banana in his tailpipe. She won’t be able to resist two of us after she hears about that.”

I couldn’t stop laughing as I pictured it. And I wasn’t sure if he was joking or not. I decided not to ask. I couldn’t get in trouble for it happening if I didn’t know anything about it, right?

Sounded like the perfect plan to me.

Fight for Him


Cole leaving me in the parking structure messed with my head more than I wanted to admit. When I got home, Lauren was amped up, expecting me to be practically flying through the door with good news. And when I didn’t, she let me walk away and gave me time alone. She knew that when I was ready to talk, I’d find her.

I wasn’t ready just yet.

What I was, however, was conflicted and confused. I couldn’t stop overthinking and replaying his words in my head. I had no Copyright 2016 - 2024