The Ninth Inning (The Boys of Baseball #1) - J. Sterling Page 0,62

holding me back before he reached for my hand and held it tight.

“What? I think there’s enough of him to go around. You shouldn’t really keep a guy like that all to yourself.” She pursed her lips like she had made the most brilliant point in the history of making points.

“Do you see this? Are you blind?” He shoved our linked hands in front of her face.

“I see it. So what? It’s just her,” the girl said with a wave, discarding me as if I were a piece of gum on the bottom of her shoe, something she needed to clean off and get rid of.

“Have you ever seen me holding a girl’s hand in public before?” Cole sounded a little too aggressive, but the girl didn’t seem to back down or notice.


“Have you ever seen me kiss a girl in the commissary before?”

She kept her eyes firmly locked on Cole’s. “No.”

“Then, get it through your thick skull. This is my girlfriend.”

“She’s always been your girlfriend,” the chick said.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Not only did she not care that I was standing right there, but she also thought I was his girlfriend, and she was still hitting on him?

“No, she hasn’t been. But she is now. So, leave me the hell alone,” he snapped before looking at me, all anger gone. “It’s our turn.”

I almost told him that I’d lost my appetite, but that wasn’t true. Seeing Cole like that made me even more ravenous but not just for food. I was so turned on after that public display.

“Oh, you are so getting lucky for that later,” I said under my breath, but his eyes lit up, so I knew he’d heard me.

“How lucky?” he asked, and with the look on his face, you would think I’d just told him he’d won a million dollars.

I gave him a wink before turning to place my order.

Getting Lucky


The second Christina had mentioned getting lucky, my dick got hard. Even though we were in the commissary, surrounded by hundreds of students in broad daylight, my dick still had a mind of its own. It wanted her, and it apparently didn’t care who knew.

“Christina,” I said as I carried our tray of food toward a table where Chance and Mac sat by themselves. The rest of the guys had already cleared out.

She looked at me, drinks in hand. “Yeah?”

“You can’t say shit like that to me. Look what you did.” I gave a gesture downward, and she looked at my pants and froze mid-step, her jaw slacked, open wide.

“I …” she stuttered, but I kept walking, needing to sit down and hide my bulge from prying eyes. Placing the tray on the table, I pulled out two chairs before I sat.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered toward me once she was seated and scooted closer to me.

“It’s okay,” I said before reaching for the bottom of her jaw and closing it. “It’s not like you haven’t seen it before,” I teased, and she blushed, her cheeks turning an adorable shade of pink.

“Hey,” Chance said with a nod before he took a hearty bite out of a sandwich that looked to be about ten layers tall.

“You two can’t ever do anything quietly, can you?” Mac asked, and my brain was suddenly back in the bedroom, thinking about all the sounds that I could get Christina to make. And how very not quiet we could be.

“What?” Christina asked as she dipped a chip into some salsa before crunching on it.

“Look around, sweetheart,” Mac said, and I shot him a look, which only made his grin grow bigger. “You two are always causing a damn scene.”

I glanced around, not in the least bit surprised at the number of people watching us or looking back and forth between their tables and ours. “You’re one to talk, Mr. Can’t Keep His Tongue Out of Random Chicks’ Mouths at Every Party.”

“Yeah, but I never cause a spectacle while I’m doing it,” he said.

“Not our fault that we’re more interesting than you are,” I shot back, and his face fell for a second before he shrugged it off, basically agreeing.

“Was that chick hitting on you in front of Christina?” Chance asked even though he already knew the answer.

I nodded as Christina’s face formed a small snarl, and I leaned in to kiss the corner of her mouth.

“It used to happen all the time to my dad, I guess, when he was here. My mom has told me some pretty fucked Copyright 2016 - 2024