The Ninth Inning (The Boys of Baseball #1) - J. Sterling Page 0,36


I watched as he headed my direction. “Come to congratulate me?” It was a dick thing to say, but Logan didn’t deserve my respect or kindness.

“On what? Finally hitting the fucking ball?” he said a little too snarky for my liking, and before I knew it, Mac was at my side making sure I didn’t lose my cool.

“For starters, yeah,” I bit back, putting a cap on my anger. Logan wasn’t worth it.

“Wow, Cole. One game. Doesn’t mean shit. Try keeping it up,” he said before throwing one last barb in my direction, “Heard you saw Christina.”

I bristled. I fucking hated the way he said her name. It made me want to hurt him. “I think it was the other way around.”

That classic LeDouche shit-eating grin was back on his face. “She was here for me today. Not you. You might be keeping your position for now, but you’ve lost the girl.”

I laughed, hoping it would rattle his confidence when it came to her. “We’ll see about that.”

Logan didn’t have history with her the way I did. They couldn’t have the same kind of connection that she and I shared. There was no way. I refused to believe it. No matter how many signs told me otherwise.

I shook off my Mac’s and Chance’s shadows after reassuring them both that I was fine and that I’d see them later at the party. Even though it was a Saturday, today had been the last game of the series, and we’d swept the opposing team, winning all three games. Coach had actually smiled during our team talk and then proceeded to give us the day off tomorrow. He rarely did either.

I headed toward my truck with a half-baked plan in mind. Since Christina had ignored my text from a few days ago, I knew that any more of that type of communication was off the table. If I waited for her to respond to something new, I’d most likely be waiting forever. Texting wasn’t effective. I had to be more aggressive. Showing up at her apartment, uninvited, seemed to fit the bill. Her roommate wouldn’t like it, but as long as I promised not to sell her off to the highest bidder, she might be willing to let me in. Then again…

I considered stopping for flowers, but I wanted to get over there as quickly as possible. Anything, even romantic gestures at this point, would take too long. I’d been an idiot for long enough. And now that I’d realized it, I didn’t want to waste another minute being apart from her.

When I hit the gated entrance to her complex, I cursed under my breath, forgetting all about the barrier that had helped them decide on this place to begin with. Rolling down my window, I punched four numbers into the keypad and waited, hoping it was still the same code that she’d given me from when they first moved in. It had always worked before, but I hadn’t tried it in months. There was a slight possibility that it could have changed. Just when I was about to give up hope, the gate unlatched and swung open, allowing me inside.

I navigated the small road toward her building, searching for her car as I drove. This plan would be shot to hell if she wasn’t home. I hadn’t even considered that she might not be here, and I reminded myself that I could be really fucking stupid sometimes. Spotting her car, I felt myself grin as I eased my truck into the spot next to hers and shut down the engine.

Instantly, I regretted not getting the flowers. Walking up to her place empty-handed seemed like a bad idea now that I was here. I hesitated, my hand resting on the door handle before I convinced myself that I was doing the right thing.

I’ll drown her with flowers after she’s mine, I promised myself.

Huffing out a quick, calming breath, I pushed the door open and hopped out. I was at my next obstacle within seconds. Christina’s building had its own secured entrance. If you didn’t have a key fob to enter, you had to be buzzed in by a resident. Pacing back and forth, I wondered what my other options were. I hated the idea of using the coded phone system. It would be too easy to either ignore my call or decline my entrance. And I refused to be denied right now.

No sooner had the thought entered my mind when the door swung Copyright 2016 - 2024