Nine Lives - Danielle Steel Page 0,52

few months, so they’ll heal before I race again.” He didn’t sound worried about it, but she could tell he was in pain and having trouble talking. “I guess this doesn’t help my case,” he said, sounding glum.

“I’ll give you a pass this time,” she said gently. She felt sorry about the pain of breaking his ribs and having no one to take care of him. She didn’t want to drive home the point on top of it. They both knew that his chosen career was dangerous, and he risked life and limb every time he went out there. “Are you going to be okay? Are they keeping you in the hospital?”

“They want to. I’m flying back to London in a few hours. I’ll be fine. I’ll take it easy for a few days.”

“And then what?” She was concerned. He was real to her again since she had seen him recently. He wasn’t just a memory or a disembodied voice from the past.

“I’m sending the Lady Luck down to Antigua. She’s already on her way. I’ll go down and spend some time on her when she gets there. They can take care of me. I can’t move around much with six broken ribs.” He sounded like he was having trouble breathing.

“I’m really sorry,” she sympathized again, but at least he had somewhere to go to be nursed a little, and he could get there on his own plane.

“You’re sweet to call. I thought I’d never hear from you again,” he said sadly. He’d been elated to get her call.

“I wasn’t going to,” she admitted, “but I’m a sucker for guys with broken ribs and their clothes in flames.”

He laughed and then cried out from the pain of it.

“Don’t make me laugh.” But she wasn’t amused by what had happened. Watching the accident had been terrifying. Aden and his friends were used to seeing accidents like that during races they watched on TV, she wasn’t, and the moment she heard that Paul was in it, she nearly fainted.

“Take care of yourself, Paul,” she admonished him in a motherly tone.

“I will. You too.” He remembered that she had a painful date coming up in a couple of weeks, and he knew that would be hard for her and her son.

“My son is vastly impressed that I know you, by the way. I told him I just ran into you in Monaco and London.”

“Did you tell him that I’m the greatest guy you’ve ever known, other than his father, and that I’ve been in love with you for thirty years?”

“Actually, I left that part out. He doesn’t need to know that.”

“Let me know if you ever want to bring him to a race. I’ll tell you if I’m going to do any in the States. You could bring him.”

“I don’t like the idea of his seeing people dying,” which was what had happened in the race today. As usual, Paul had been the lucky one. The other two drivers weren’t.

“That was really bad luck. I got off easily compared to the other guys.”

“You’re alive and survived another race. I’m grateful for that. I’ll spare you my lecture. You know how I feel about it.”

“What else would you have me do to make a living? Watercolors?”

“Maybe, if it kept you alive a few years longer. That seems worth it to me.”

“I’d rather go up in flames than sit in a chair doing something boring for the rest of my life.”

“I’m glad you didn’t get your wish today.”

“The only wish I have is to see you again, Maggie, and be with you. Do you want to come down to the boat? You could bring your son.”

“We’re going to be home for Christmas.” It was going to be their second Christmas without Brad, and they knew it wouldn’t be easy. Aden had promised to help her set up the outdoor lights the way Brad had always done, and to put up the Christmas tree with her.

“Let me know if you change your mind.”

“I will. Thank you,” she said politely, but she knew she wouldn’t. Their traditions were more important than ever to them now. Paul didn’t have any, since he had no family, so he didn’t understand.

“Can I call you sometime?” he asked hesitantly.

“You don’t need to,” she said, which was her ultra-polite way of saying no. “I’ll call to check on you if you like.”

“Whenever you want. I won’t bother you. Tell your son I say hello, if you tell him you Copyright 2016 - 2024