Nightingale (The Sensitives) - By Dawn Rae Miller Page 0,29

punish you now. Not when I’m this irate.”

I take a deep breath and my pulse slows. Another breath and it stops racing all together. On the third, the pressure in my chest eases and the sting of magic disappears.

A smile flits across her face before she spins on her heel and glides toward the French double doors that lead to the ballroom “I’ll deal with all of you tomorrow,” she says over her shoulder. Then she stares at Kyra and I. “You two, bed. Now.”

I kneel and wrap Kyra’s trembling arm around my neck. No one offers me their help as I drag her toward the stairs, but I don’t expect them too. Mother made it clear that I’m to be punished. Only an idiot would get involved.

Once inside my room, Kyra pushes away from me. “What if she doesn’t let Maz and I bind? What if I lose everything?” Her garbled words are barely more than sobs.

I turn away from her and study my hands. They still quiver slightly, but, if I’m not mistaken, I exercised control over my power.

More importantly, Mother noticed. And it pleased her.


The waiting is the worst.

My feet leave a worn trail in the plush carpet as I pace. Back and forth. Back and forth. All night, sleep has eluded me, and instead of tossing and turning, I decided to get up and search for a way to fix this mess.

So far, the best I have is to send Miss Tully away. I’ll beg Mother for mercy on Kyra and Oliver’s behalf. After all, I suggested going to the club. Everything that happened is my fault and I must accept responsibility. She has to forgive Oliver. He’s completely innocent in all of this.

However, the problem with this plan is there’s nothing to stop the State from arresting Miss Tully again. And it doesn’t explain why Kyra didn’t notify the other guards.

I curl into the window seat and rest my head on my knees as I watch the moon sink lower in the sky. There has to be a solution. I only hope I can find it soon.


Annalise pokes me in the rib. “You’re going to be late.”

I blink and stretch. I hadn’t meant to fall asleep.

“For what?” I ask, stalling for time. If Mother plans on punishing me, I’m in no hurry.

My sister-in-law huffs and I prepare myself for what’s coming next.

“Everyone is waiting for you.”

My ears burn. Is this what Mother has planned? A public reprimand? I suppose it makes sense, considering what I did. But…

If she’s going to do that to me, what will she do to Kyra? I press my lips together and try to still my mind. There’s no way I’m going to show Annalise I’m scared.

“Stop stalling,” Annalise orders. Breakfast sits on the coffee table, but I don’t want to eat it. Not with my stomach flip-flopping. Still, I march across the room and make a show of nibbling a piece of fruit and pushing things around on the plate until Annalise tells me to get dressed. She doesn’t mention what happened or give any clue about what my fate may be.

It doesn’t make me feel any better.

Dawson meets us in the foyer and my two guards lead me, the condemned, to my fate.

The State building is just as crowded as yesterday with members of the Eastern Society still outnumbering all others. Today, everyone openly gawks at me and I wish I could shrink away and hide. A few people shake their heads as I pass, and one woman even clucks her tongue. When I hesitate to move into the rotunda toward the stairs, Annalise latches onto my arm and drags me forward.

Halfway across the vast space, Oliver joins our group and Kyra slinks up behind him. Her curls are pulled tightly away from her face and bags line her eyes. She flinches at the noise around us and appears as if she may faint.

Annalise motions for us to follow her up the sweeping staircase to the second floor toward the State offices. A few steps from the top, my knees threaten to buckle and I grasp the railing to keep from falling.

Oliver offers me his hand. Unlike Kyra and me, he looks well-rested and calm. “Are you unwell?” he asks.

I shake my head. “No. Just…” Scared? Terrified? Worried my Mother is going to light me on fire and lock me back in my bedroom? “Tired. I didn’t sleep.”

Oliver’s muscular arm surrounds my waist and I let myself go limp Copyright 2016 - 2024