Nightingale – Giulia Lagomarsino Page 0,42

get her stay, even though I knew it was pointless.

“That kid is cockblocking me every chance he gets.”



“Uh, what is everyone doing here?” I asked as we were led to a huge room in the back of the restaurant. Pretty much everyone from Reed Security was already seated at a long table, and there were three chairs open in the middle.

“I asked them to come.”


“Because we’re celebrating.”

I wracked my brain, trying to figure out what we would be celebrating, but the only thing I could come up with was the fact that Reid had taken Alec down in the ring earlier today. That didn’t really seem like a big celebratory dinner kind of thing, but what did I know? Now, if it had been his first kill, that would be different.

Alec pulled out my chair and waited for Reid and I to sit. He picked up a glass and clanged his fork against it. “Thank you for coming here tonight. I know you all hate being pulled away from your kids,” he joked. “I asked you here tonight because I’ve finally convinced Florrie, after five very long years, to marry me.”

Everyone started cheering, but I just stood there, shocked that he had just announced that. I mean, I was thinking that there would be some time for me to adjust to the idea of getting married. Now he had just thrown that idea out the window.

Alec wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me in close. “Relax. You knew I wouldn’t let you get away this time,” he whispered in my ear. “I had to make sure that there was no way you would run.”

“You could have just trusted me,” I said between clenched teeth and a pasted on smile.

“I do trust you, but I’m not patient. I want you to be mine officially, and I’m not waiting anymore. Besides, with me switching teams, this is the perfect time to take this step.”

“Congratulations,” Craig said, coming up to me and hugging me. “This is so awesome. I’m really happy we’re past that awkward phase,” he chuckled. “You know that one time that we all had the dream about the really weird stuff.” He chuckled and glanced around the room like he was looking to see if anyone overheard him. “Yeah, that was a really weird time, but definitely over.”

“Why don’t you just stop fucking talking about it?” Alec ground out.

“Or better yet, go see Dr. Sunshine about your lingering thoughts.”

Craig looked at me in horror. “Are you fucking kidding me? That’s who got us in the mess to begin with.” He shot me a nasty look and walked away.

“So, who’s going to be your best man?” Cap asked.

“Well, I was hoping Reid would take that honor,” Alec said, patting Reid on the shoulder. Reid beamed up at him, obviously really liking the idea of taking part in this.

“What? What about me?” Craig asked.

“It’s not like I was your best man,” Alec retorted. “As I recall, you had Knight there with you. Maybe I’ll ask Hunter to stand up also.”

“Hunter?” Craig glanced toward him and then swung his gaze back on me. “Figures you would choose him. He was in on this whole thing way before any of us.”

“Trust me, that wasn’t something I needed to know,” Hunter piped up. “If I could have not walked in on that, I wouldn’t have.”

“Walked in on what?” Reid asked.


“Hunter was the first to find out that Alec and I were together. We were kissing,” I said in mock horror.

Reid didn’t squish up his face like I expected. Hmm, maybe he really liked kissing Caitlin.

“So, if I’m your best man, do I get to plan a bachelor party?”

“How do you know about bachelor parties?” I asked.

He shrugged. “I hear things. I would probably need help with a few things. Can kids rent strippers?”

Craig burst out laughing, pressing his hands to his eyes. “Oh shit. Let the kid plan the party. This will be the best fucking bachelor party of your life.”

“Wait, if I plan the bachelor party, who’s going to plan your party, Florrie?” Reid asked.

“I think we should let the wives do it,” Chris grinned. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you, Florrie?”

I grimaced, thinking about all the girly shit they would force me to do. Wrapping me in toilet paper, trying not to rip wrapping paper….it all sounded terrible.

“Actually,” Lola cut in, “I’m pretty sure that I can plan something. Maybe I’ll even enlist Maggie’s help,” she said, smirking at Cap.

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