Nightfall (Grim Gate #1) - Emily Goodwin Page 0,119

me jump. Dammit, my bravado has escaped me already, but all it takes is thinking of Leslie getting dragged into the woods by demonic bounty hunters to fuel the anger inside me, driving me to push forward.

I step outside, and nothing but darkness and fog stands in front of me. Courage surges again, and I head towards the woods.

Drops of rain fall from the sky with so much force that they sting my cheeks, making me wish I’d worn a hat. The pitter-patter of rain on the fallen leaves masks the sound of anything lurking about in the dark forest. Breath clouding around me as I exhale, I cling onto the last bit of remaining courage I have.

“Just get it together,” I tell myself, unsheathing the dagger. I can magically summon fire, for fuck’s sake. “You are a badass witch. You can do this.”

Swallowing my fear, I push into a jog, thankful for all those times I took Hunter running. I’m panting by the time I reach the end of the horse trails, and the big, twisted tree comes into view. Halting, I put my hands on my thighs and lean forward, gulping in air. Giving myself a minute to catch my breath, I straighten up and then yell, “Okay, you stupid demons! Come and get me!”

I regret saying that the moment the words escape from my lips.

A low growl comes from a few feet to my left. Heart racing, I turn, unable to see anything through the dark trees. Another growl, this one low and taunting, drifts through a tangle of weeds right in front of me. Coming here alone was a stupid idea. I slowly turn to face my insidious enemy.

Lightning flashes across the sky like a strobe light, and in each brief moment of light, I can see a huge, black, wolf-like shape looming closer. My heart pounds in my chest. My eyes widen, and my breath leaves me. Another boom of thunder rings out above us.

With a warning snarl, the Pricolici lunges at me. I throw out my left hand, summoning fire around my fingers. I thrust my hand forward, sending the flames in its direction. They hit the Pricolici in the face, burning its fur and making it yelp and slink away, but only for a moment. I pull the dagger from its sheath, heart racing a million miles an hour.

I wrap both hands around the dagger, getting ready. Instinct takes over, and I thrust my hands forward the same time the Pricolici comes at me. The force of its own body working against it, the dagger slides into its chest with ease. I focus all my energy into the fire, perfectly channeling it through the dagger.

One high-pitched whine is drowned out by a clap of thunder. The fire erupts from its stomach, and a second later, the whole thing explodes, covering me in ash and blood.

“Sick,” I say, standing up and flicking a glob of fur off my coat.

Twigs snap a few feet in front of me. Adrenaline pumps throughout my body, and I’m ready for another attack. My breath quickens, and I brace myself, holding the dagger in front of me. Something feels familiar. I stare into the woods, trying to get a better reading.

“Anora?” a deep voice calls.

“Ethan?” I call back.

“Thank God.” He rushes over and puts his hands on my shoulders. “What the hell are you doing out here? I went to your house and you weren't there. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” I tell him. “And I’m sorry to worry you, but I can’t sit back and let the Pricolici kill anyone else.”

“I know.” He cradles me to his chest.

“How did you know I was out here?”

“Demons killed your friend and you want revenge,” he says. “I would have done the same.”

“I have to do this,” I tell him. “I have to stop waiting and face them.”

His eyes meet mine and his jaw tenses. “You don’t have to do it alone.” He takes my hand, and not too far away, a Pricolici howls. “What was that flash of light?”

“I killed a Pricolici, and it kind of exploded.”

“That’s…that’s awesome,” Ethan tells me. The Pricolici howls again. “It’s coming closer. We need to be ready.”

The rain starts to come down harder, making it even more difficult to hear what’s lurking around us. Suddenly, something jumps out of the shadows, growling. It moves too fast to be the one we heard howling in the distance. They’re starting to surround us.

Ethan draws his gun, aiming Copyright 2016 - 2024