Nightfall (Devil's Night #4) - Penelope Douglas Page 0,107

I gasped, every inch of my skin on fire. His fingers peeled my panties away from my skin and dipped inside the fabric as I reached behind my back and unzipped the dress.

I glided a hand around the back of his neck, leaning in and whispering again, “Will.”

The doors in front of us opened, the room going dark again, and we entered Davy Jones’s Locker as I held his eyes and slowly peeled down the top half of my dress for him.

Yes. I couldn’t stop. I didn’t want to.

Cool air tickled my bare breasts, making the skin of my nipples tighten and harden as his gaze fell and his lungs caved.

I loved his eyes on me. I didn’t know if he liked what he saw, but I didn’t care about anything right now. I knew this was over before it even started. I knew he’d lose interest eventually.

I just wanted tonight.

He dove in, grazing my lips with his, but not kissing, as I propped up my foot on the front of the car, arching my back and opening myself for him. He rubbed me, soft and slow, between my thighs, teasing again and again as he worked his fingers inside to my clit.

Reaching around with his other hand, he covered my breast with his palm, kneading and gently squeezing as his hot breath fell across my lips.

He tickled my clit, and I moaned, pleasure sweeping through me and fire pooling between my legs. I needed more. I needed everything.

He slid a finger farther down, teasing my entrance, but I grabbed his hand through my dress, stopping him.

He tensed, his brow knit in pain. “Emmy…”

“Not your fingers,” I whispered. “You. I want you in me.”

He hissed, fisting the hand between my legs, and then he let out a painful groan.

Taking both hands off me, he lifted the bars.

But they wouldn’t give.

He grunted, lifting them, fighting to free us now, and I leaned in, taking his face in my hands and kissing his cheek again and again.

“Fuck,” he growled, jiggling the bar harder and faster so we could climb out.

It was no use, though, and he attempted to try to slip out from underneath it, but he was too big.

I laughed in his ear as I nibbled his lobe. “Get us out,” I begged. “I want you, and I’m not going to say no tonight.”

“Shit,” he exclaimed, fighting the bar again and growling desperately. “Goddammit.”

He grabbed me and kissed me, zipping up my dress as we devoured each other.

“When we get off, we’re hurrying to my truck,” he breathed out. “And then to my house.”

I caught his bottom lip between my teeth, his warmth and taste too intoxicating to even open my eyes. “Just to your truck,” I whimpered. “I can’t wait. I need you in my hands. In my arms…”

The next set of doors opened, and light washed over us as we held each other.

I opened my eyes, seeing we’d reached the end as the rain had started again, falling hard outside as people ran.

I pulled away from him, and when the bar lifted, we jumped out. He clasped my hand, and I ignored the attendant’s eyes as I tried to right my dress again.

It was all bunched up and twisted. Shit.

Will led me off the ride, took off his jacket, and put it around me before pulling me in a sprint across the park.

Rain fell on us, cold and sharp, but I could still feel him on my mouth as the slickness between my legs grew warmer.

I just wanted to be someplace small with him, feeling him and stretching the hours forever, and I didn’t care where.

“Dammit,” he blurted out, stopping us.

I halted, following his gaze out to the parking lot. Martin circled Will’s truck with a flashlight, rain coming down on him in his black uniform as people scattered to leave.

My heart sank. “My brother,” I breathed out.

I didn’t bring my phone. How did he know I was here?

“What the hell?” Will cursed. “Why does everything want to stop us?”

“Find us a place,” I pleaded. “Hurry.”

He grabbed the back of my neck, pressing his lips to my forehead, and then looked around. If Martin saw me with him, it would be over. I didn’t care if it was in a game booth or in a Tilt-A-Whirl car. I needed him.

“Come on.” He pulled me out of the gates and off to the right.

I threw a glance behind me, seeing Martin in the distance peering through the truck’s back window, Copyright 2016 - 2024