Night Kissed (Chosen Vampire Slayer #1) - Mila Young Page 0,74

Plus, would it really hurt if I scoured the streets and took out any fiends who got in my way?

Bright lights lit up the dark street. People strolled from one store to the next quickly, carrying grocery bags, or heading into the local bar. Normal life, but how did they feel about living so close to the supernatural? Most didn't know about them, or turned a blind eye to anything strange happening. But in a place like this, how could they really not see how many creatures lived right under their noses.

The thought brought me to Orion, Seth, and Logan. How exactly had the trio found each other? They were an odd bunch, and yet somehow they’d made it work so far. Along with having me attracted to them and already succumbed to my urges with two of them. I don’t regret a single thing. Life was too short to not take what I wanted when it offered itself.

The only one who wasn’t directly involved yet was Logan. As inconceivable as the whole thing really was, I couldn’t help wondering if I’d be able to, um, connect with Logan in the same way. I liked to think that he and I had a different sort of affinity, a little more profound. He was the one who didn’t mind baring some of his soul when we talked. He didn’t walk around behind a shield of arrogance.

Orion and Seth I would happily have slept with again out of pure pleasure and getting to know them better as I felt they showed more of their real selves when in the clutches of desire. I almost laughed at myself with that thought. But Logan I wanted to get to know better emotionally. And I was genuinely looking forward to getting that chance.

Assuming he even showed up later at the crime scene.

I wandered along downtown Anchorage, and the farther I went into the residential area, the quieter the streets grew. Smoke billowed from chimneys, kids crying in houses I passed, the television loud enough to hear the game show one family watched.

At the next corner, I swung right where lofty trees lining the streets stood heavy with snow. Lamp posts lit up the sidewalk, and I moved faster to keep warm, figuring I might as well make my way toward the edge of the woods where I'd meet Logan at the crime scene.

A sudden scream had me flinching, my gaze lifting to several houses up ahead. I rushed closer, only for it to be followed up by laughing from inside.

I groaned with frustration at the lack of vamps and tuned into my ability once more. I took a deep breath to calm myself, then the energy flowed. My body vibrated like I was a struck tuning fork.

Except, there was not a single sensation of any vamps nearby. Not a goddamn thing.

It was as though all the vampires had withdrawn. Usually, I sensed them here and there, but now nothing. Were they having the weekly vampire neighborhood meeting? I laughed to myself and hurried toward the explosion of snow covered forest at the end of this street.

I had my doubts as I made my way to the meeting spot with Logan. By the time I stepped off the side of the road to head into the woods, it seemed safer to bet he wouldn’t make an appearance. I retraced my steps from two nights earlier, eyes and ears open to the surrounding night. The crisp air raked its fingers through my hair and along my neck.

Then I saw him standing in the exact spot we had promised to meet. He was silent and still, looking through the heavily shadowed tree trunks into the clearing beyond. For some reason I couldn’t quite pinpoint, I hesitated, just watching him.

“You’re here,” I said finally as I walked up.

He glanced at me. “Yeah. Are you ready?”

That was, I was learning, very much like Logan. No preamble, no wasting time, no beating around the bush. We were both there to do a job, first and foremost. His dispassionate commitment to maximum efficiency was something I ought to admire. But I couldn’t deny the pang of disappointment that settled in my chest.

Had I really been hoping he might try and seduce me? Clearly, my priorities needed to be reexamined.

I shook my head to reset my thoughts. “Okay. Let’s go.”

Logan’s gaze lingered on me for a moment or two, as if he wasn’t sure I meant what I said. I refused to acknowledge Copyright 2016 - 2024