Night Kissed (Chosen Vampire Slayer #1) - Mila Young Page 0,67

a bunch of people dead, from what I saw. And…Logan showed up.”

“Oh?” I leaned forward. “Now you have my attention. Are you sure it was him?”

“Couldn’t misidentify him if I tried,” she answered. “We talked face to face.”

Automatically, my fist clenched in my lap. A hot flare of temper flushed my vision red. How could it be that both of the henchmen I had so judiciously hired were spending more time with my prize than I was? “And what did he want to discuss?”

“Not much. I was hoping you’d be able to give me a little more insight on him.” She paused. “That is, if it’s convenient for you.”

I hesitated, considering. The possibility of a trap was not lost on me. I suspected Veronica was as skilled as she was gorgeous, and she’d already shown her nerves of steel. It took a lot of guts to come waltzing into a vamp territory as tightly knit as Anchorage. She may have decided to turn some of that admirable boldness against me.

“There must be some give and take involved. Surely you understand my unwillingness to take a blind risk without compensation.” There. The line had been drawn. I sat back and waited for her return fire.

“I thought you might say that,” she responded without missing a beat. “Come to my room at the Grand Hotel. We can work something out.”

I didn’t need much more convincing. “I’ll hold you to that, Veronica.” If she tried to back out after I got there, I was fully prepared to negotiate by any means necessary.

“Of course you will,” she answered. “See you soon.”

I was still on high alert, as always, but not going to seek out trouble. With any luck, there would be no violence tonight. I could only hope Veronica felt the same. I set the phone down and headed out. It was strange but refreshing to be walking in downtown Anchorage without an ulterior motive.

The lobby of the Grand Hotel was empty at that hour, and I bypassed it entirely. Veronica’s energy shone like a beacon, as easy to follow as if the way had been marked with signs. I tracked her up to the fifth floor—room 502—and knocked gently. She made me wait approximately fifteen seconds.

“Well, look who’s here.” Veronica leaned in the doorway, eyeing me through her long lashes. Her pink hair had been swept over one shoulder as though she’d been playing with it. She wore casual blue jeans, tight mesh top over a white sleeveless top with thin straps. And white socks, adding to that casual but sexy vixen look. “I have to admit, I kind of thought you wouldn’t show.”

“And miss an opportunity to spend time with you?” I smirked. “Perish the thought.” She stepped back from the threshold and started to turn around. I stopped her. “Veronica.”

“What?” She looked at me quizzically.

“You’re forgetting something.” I glanced at the floor and back at her.

“Am I?” She smiled slightly.

I sighed. Okay, so maybe she had some traditions to learn. But she was smart, and I had no doubt she’d be able to keep up. “You need to invite me inside.”

“Ohhh.” Veronica looked me up and down. She chuckled, putting a slender hand to her mouth. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know that was a real thing.”

I furrowed my brow. “You’ve been a slayer for how long without knowing that?”

She rolled her pale blue eyes. “Sue me if I don’t typically invite my enemies into my house.” Tossing her hair, she waved me on. “Here. Would you like to come inside?”

“Thank you,” I said wryly. She led me down the short hall into the main common area of her suite. Positioned against the wall underneath the window, a desk sat piled high with papers, photographs, files, and a very new police scanner.

“Don’t look over there,” Veronica urged as soon as she caught me. “Just because we’re in talks doesn’t mean the treaty’s been signed.”

“Noted.” I sat down in one of the two armchairs that afforded the best view of her. She stayed on her feet. “Now, let’s talk. You want to know about Logan.”

“Do you think he’s a double agent?” Veronica pulled no punches with her line of questioning.

“Of course not,” I scoffed. “I have foolproof ways of ensuring his allegiance. He wouldn’t dare try anything…unwise.” It was a scenario I’d wondered about on my own, more times than I wanted to admit. To me, Seth read like an open book, all his volatile moods on full display. Logan was closely guarded, Copyright 2016 - 2024