Night Kissed (Chosen Vampire Slayer #1) - Mila Young Page 0,29

on the television, I ignored her gloating because clearly Lian never forgot a thing.

Chapter 10


The mortal plane was pale compared to hell—pale, desaturated, and painfully boring. I got tired real fast of walking through a miasma of fog every day. Couldn’t go a mile without ending up soaked to the skin, freezing rainwater pooling on the ground. I missed the days when flames nipped at my heels, and a trail of smoke heralded my arrival. I was known in my own domain. Hated, maybe. Feared, definitely. But here? Nobody knew who I was.

And I wasn’t even allowed to kill anyone yet.

But wandering alone through the damp and dreary night was better than spending hours holed up in the vampire’s mausoleum of a house. The more time I spent in his vicinity, the stronger the urge to punch him in his smug, condescending face. Just once, but hard enough that he’d feel it for the rest of his miserable un-life.

Don’t get me wrong: it wasn’t that I regretted the deal we made where I’d finally gain power over my own realm. To be left the fuck alone so I could do as I wanted without dealing with anyone who pissed me off. To forget my past and start fresh wasn’t a big ask, was it?

Contracts had been a way of life for all eternity, and I was used to keeping company I didn’t care for. Orion had a singular talent for knowing exactly how to push my buttons—and then doing it all at once. Every day I came within an inch of erupting like some mythical volcano, but I’d gotten very good at reeling back from the edge at the last second. At the end of the day, I understood he offered me a chance to escape my past. He sought me out, asked me to help him, so as much as I wanted to murder him, I remembered the underlying agreement between us wasn’t between two enemies. We just didn’t see eye to eye on everything.

For the moment, I made do by roaming the streets, picking over the darkest parts of the city shadows in search of something to hurt, eat, or both. The blood in my veins refused to settle. And dammit, I was hungry all the time.

That night, the usual prowl wasn’t enough. I had something else on my mind besides idle violent fantasies of raking Orion across the coals. Every time I closed my eyes, even if it was just to blink, the girl flashed in my mind. The one he’d been tormenting on the night we dropped a body in the river, with her shining eyes and annoyingly bright hair. On the outside, she was so much more than another ordinary plain Jane like the rest of the human women in an endless line of ‘em.

I could not stop thinking about her, and I didn’t know why. Yeah, she was sexy, yeah I was pissed that Orion had kept her to himself the whole time, but what else was new? The bastard never shared anything important with us. He always had to be the center of attention, as sure as the sun rose every day on this godforsaken place. His ego had never bothered me all that much before.

This time, it drove me insane. Whenever I thought about her skin in the moonlight, or the way she stared at me as I walked by, my body demanded more than a sterile memory. I wanted to know what her body looked like under those winter clothes. How perfect she would be pinned under me in bed, or up against a wall, or just naked on the floor. Anything would do. I wasn’t about to be picky.

The burning thoughts nagged at me constantly, a crackling hum in the back of my mind. Never before had I met a human who could sate my lustful appetite, and I had no reason to believe she was up to the task. Yet something about her made me think she might be able to deliver. If only there was a way to test the theory without Orion finding out. No doubt he’d throw a shit fit over someone else playing with his toys.

Which, I had to admit, tempted me more. I could easily get off to the idea of making the vampire mad.

I blew out a thick plume of smoke and told myself to cool it. Shoving my sleeves up to the elbow, I let the misty rain turn to steam as Copyright 2016 - 2024